Hi, I work for a Czech INGO People in Need (PIN). PIN uses electronic data collection, using tablets with Android system. However, it seems that there is no ENA version suitable for Andriod. Therefore I would like to ask you whether you can enter data to tablets, get them in Excel and then import the Excel to ENA software for analysis and reporting? Thank you for advice! Petr
Dear Petr If you use the android system, when the data is transferred to the server, it is converted to excel format, from which you can then copy/paste into ENA.
Blessing Mureverwi


9 years ago
I think there are a few options: (1) Use the [url=https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.hystudio.android.dosbox]aDosBox app[/url] and run EpiInfo for DOS as your data-entry system. The resulting .REC files can be used with EpiInfo for Windows. Note that EpiNut in EpiInfo for DOS provided only the older NCHS reference. I have found that I can run EpiInfo for DOS using DosBox on MAC OS-X and iPad/IPod/IPhone iOS. It should work on Android devices. (2) The [url=https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fishstix.dosbox]DosBox Turbo[/url] can run Windows 95, 98, possibly ME (all of which were DOS-based - it will not run Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vispa, 7, or 8 as these are not DOS-based products). You could try running Windows 98 and installing / running ENA (check tat ENA will run on Windows 98). That would give you ENA on Android. I have no experience with this but your IT people should be able to get this to work. (3) Similar to above ... use the Bochs "virtual PC" app on Android. This will run any version fo Windows. Videos available [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztpc-7SstLI]here[/url] and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laCS1czgWgE]here[/url]. This is probably too slow for real use. (4) Your Android data system should be able to export data to text files. If it can do this with comma or tabs separating values then you can import this easily into Excel and save in Excel format for use in ENA. I hope this is of some use.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


9 years ago
Just following up ... I have found that many simple database systems on 'phones and tablets do not provide the sorts of functions (e.g. complex skips, legal value checking, range-checking. consistency checking) that "survey" and "statistical" database systems such as SPSS/DE, EpiInfo, EpiData, and CSPro provide. This, in my experience, makes 'phones and tablets suitable only for simple and narrow datasets. I have just heard that the US Census Bureau has release "CSEntry Android App" which provides data-collection and data-entry on Android devices. See [url=http://www.census.gov/population/international/software/cspro/]here[/url] for more information. I hope this is useful.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


9 years ago
Data exported from tablets to excel can be imported to ENA for SMART for analysis of anthropometric variables. Please note that when data is imported from excel to ENA for SMART the columns headings in excel must be listed in the same order as ENA for SMART. The first 12 columns of the ENA for SMART, Data Entry Anthropometry tab, are fixed.
Scott Logue


9 years ago
Hi, Thanks a lot for the response, it is a good news :-) Does it mean that if a tablet produces the data in the same format (i.e. the same order to colums) as is used in ENA, I can just copy paste the data into ENA? Have you tested it? Is it straightforward or is there something specific I need to be careful about? Thank you! Petr
Petr Schmied


9 years ago
You normally have to re-arrange the columns to match the order or ENA before copy/paste, which is quite simple.
Blessing Mureverwi


9 years ago
Hi Petr, Yes, you can import (also export) data from ENA to excel (and vice versa). Just make sure that the columns in excel are of the same order in ENA. To help you visualize, I made a quick guide you can follow. Just go to the link below. [url]https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2RpLFMIhGmhTVZfQWdqSENzU00/view?usp=sharing[/url] Hope this would help you. You can also go to [url]http://smartmethodology.org/forums/[/url] for further assistance. -Derich
Frederich Christian Tan


9 years ago
Excellent, thank you so much! Wishing you a good day, Petr
Petr Schmied


9 years ago
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