Reference: DK/CAR/HNM Country: Central African Republic Job Title: Health & Nutrition Manager Contract Grade:B Contract Length: 12 months New Post or Replacement: New Post Accompanied / Unaccompanied:Unaccompanied Exact Job Location: Bossembele, Ombella M’Poko Reports To: Area Coordinator (hierarchical line), Health & Nutrition Coordinator (functional line) Responsible For: Health & Nutrition Project team Ombella M’Poko Liaises With: Area Coordinator, Field Logistician, Head of Health District, MoH staff Project Description: The health and nutrition activities of Concern in CAR have yet to be started up within a relatively new country programme with currently Livelihoods & Food Security and WASH activities which started in 2014. The health & nutrition activities will include Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) and incorporate the detection and management of acute malnutrition via the CMAM approach as well as improved Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF). The project will be implementing in both static as mobile clinics with the scope to provide in-patient facilities. Job Purpose: To effectively manage Concern’s health and nutrition activities in Ombella M’Poko to strengthen existing health systems and ensure access to and uptake of quality health and nutrition services and behaviours among target communities. Main Duties & Responsibilities: Coordination • Liaise and coordinate on health and nutrition with the Health District authorities and other health & nutrition actors in the region like NGO’s to ensure consistency of programming avoiding overlaps and ensuring common approaches Reporting • Support the timely development of donor proposals and reports in line with the health and nutrition programme strategy/ action plan. • Develop and manage health and nutrition programme budgets and prepare financial reports as required Programme development and implementation • Carry out and manage nutrition and health assessments as needed, including population-level surveys (e.g. SMART methodology), including questionnaire design, enumerator training, supervision and quality assurance of data collection and entry, analysis and write up. • Assess the existing capacity of local government, community and other stakeholders to deliver key health and nutrition services and support; identify key gaps • As required, lead more in-depth assessments of current health and nutrition-related behaviours, barriers to uptake and potential for change among our programme target groups to inform programme design and adjustments • Contribute to the development of a health and nutrition strategy/ action plan for Concern CAR and a develop a specific work plan for the nutrition team/ area programme aligned with the country strategy ensuring objectives, indicators and targets, activities are specific, measureable, achievable, relevant and time-bound and a strong M&E system is in place. • Ensure the timely and effective implementation of the health and nutrition activities in Ombella M’Poko • Ensure all required programme monitoring data is collected, analysed and reported in a timely fashion. • Ensure appropriate actions are taken to improve the programme where monitoring systems suggest it is ‘off track’ or where monitoring data is not being generated in a timely manner. • Ensure appropriate management of any programme supplies (e.g. RUTF, medicines, behaviour change communication materials) while ideally relying on existing government supply chains wherever possible. • Promote the integration of nutrition and health activities with those of other sectors, identifying opportunities for efficient collaboration. • Ensure Concern programmes actively promote equality (particularly gender inequality) and reduce risk and vulnerability, particularly in relation to HIV and AIDS Human resources • Recruit, mentoring and manage the performance of Concern health and nutrition programme staff. • Develop the capacity of Concern programme staff, government counterparts, and other key stakeholders and partner staff at all levels through relevant, up-to-date training in key areas (e.g. management of severe acute malnutrition, IMCI or the promotion of behaviour change communication) and on-the-job coaching and mentoring. PERSON SPECIFICATION ESSENTIAL Education, Qualifications & Experience Required: • Post graduate qualification (MPH, MSc) in public health, nutrition or related field or a bachelor’s-level degree with significant field experience • A team player with good interpersonal and communication skills • At least two years of experience managing nutrition or public health projects in humanitarian contexts, including the management of budgets and programme monitoring data. • Experience working in the community based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) and promotion of optimal infant and young child feeding (IYCF) • Proficiency in French and English DESIRABLE • Experience designing behavioural change strategies/ programmes, including assessing behaviours (using e.g. Barrier Analysis or the Designing for Behaviour Change tools) • Experience developing and implementing monitoring and evaluation frameworks for health and nutrition programmes • Experience building the capacity of government counterparts and local partners • Experience conducting health and nutrition surveys, including data analysis and report writing All applications should be submitted through our website at [url][/url] by closing date…. CV’s should be no more than 4 pages in length. All candidates who are short-listed for a first round interview will be notified via email after the application deadline OR Due to the urgency of this position, applications will be short listed on a regular basis and we may offer posts before the closing date. Concern Worldwide is an Irish-based non-governmental, international, humanitarian organisation dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries. Concern has a Staff Code of Conduct and a Programme Participant Protection Policy which have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organization, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context staff have a responsibility to the organization to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a job with Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Programme Participant Protection Policy and the Concern Staff Code of Conduct as an appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Programme Participant Protection Policy and the Concern Staff Code of Conduct candidates acknowledge that they have understood the contents of both the Concern Staff Code of Conduct and the Programme Participant Protection Policy and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these two documents. Concern receives a substantial amount of funding from external donors each year. Increasingly donors are introducing requirements whereby future funding is conditional on Concern ensuring that the names of any new employee or volunteer do not appear on terrorism lists generated by the European Union (List of person, groups and entities to which Regulation (EC No. 2580/2001 applies), the US Government (Office of Foreign Assets Control list of specially designated Nationals and Blocked Persons) and the United Nations (Consolidated List). Any offer of employment (either paid or voluntary) with Concern Worldwide will not be made pending a clearance check being conducted on the applicant. For additional information please consult our web site or contact the Human Resource Division in our Head Office. Concern Worldwide is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.
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