I am serving under UN/AMISOM based in Mogadishu, Somalia as a Nutrition and Feeding Officer. How can I get an opportunity of attending Nutrition trainings available?

Hello everyone

Can someone help me with the Harmonized Training Modules (HTP) Version two (French version at best or English version if possible)


What is HTP?

The Harmonized Training Module (HTP) is a training resource and technical reference document that comprehensively documents the latest information on Nutrition in Emergencies (NiE). The word Harmonized reflects the grouping of the latest policies and technical guidance, the word Training refers to its main application, and the word Package refers to the grouping of material in one place.

The HTP is the main international NiE training resource developed under the aegis of the Global Nutrition Cluster. It is recommended as a key resource for capacity development at country level. The HTP is made up of 21 modules and a glossary. Each module contains four parts: Fact Sheet (Part 1), Technical Notes (Part 2), Trainer's Guide (Part 3) and Resources (Part 4).

All modules are available in word and pdf formats. The HTP is currently available in English and will be available in other languages in the future.

Access the modules on:

Henry Allieu


9 years ago
Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disaster (CRED) based at the University Catholique da Louvain (UCL), Brussels, provides short term training on the health impact of conflict and disaster. For more info you could check the training website [url]www.aphes.be[/url] and the center website [url]www.cred.be[/url] . Best,


9 years ago

Hello everyone

I want to know if anyone has, or can help with, standard or standardized operating procedures for the implementation of breastfeeding corners.

We are in the process of implementing in the DRC a multisectoral WASH, IPC, HEALTH and CMAM project with a particular emphasis on the feeding of infants and young children in emergency situations (which constitutes the main component and makes up the largest volume of project activities)

We really count on your contributions to enrich what we have already started to do.

Thank you for your contributions



9 years ago
I am serving SCI nutrition coordinator in Ethiopia and highly interested in attending nutrition services how it will be easy to attend this trainings! Regards!


9 years ago
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