What are the likely scenario to follow if you face supply rupture in the SC more so F75 and the few boxes you have had just expired. Is it advisable to use the expired milk for a while for instance if there is no any other SC to transfer the patients and supply will take time to come. Can the milk which is expiring in January be used in the first quarter of February or beyond?
Nutrition products for management of severe and moderate acute malnutrition (RUTF, RUSF and therapeutic milk) are defined as foods, consequently they are labeled with best before date. However they also contain active pharmaceutical ingredients (vitamins and minerals). Therefore, it is important to test the content of vitamins and minerals should they need to be consumed after the best before date. Best before date (for foods) and expiry date (for medicines) depends on storage conditions. If foods and medicines are stored as per instructions on the product label their quality will be maintained during the period defined by best before date and expiry date respectively. Step 1: Visual inspection Conduct visual inspection of the product. Check if the integrity of the primary packaging is not compromised, look for leakages or spills. Should the primary packaging be intact proceed to the next step, otherwise proceed to Step 4. Step 2: Taste testing Open the primary package, inspect visually product, look for signs of degradation (change in colour, presence of lumps, presence of insects,..) and taste the product (in case of foods requiring preparation before consumption, follow the instructions and taste food once prepared). Check specifically for consistency (homogeneity in case of ready-to-use spreads), followed by odour and taste (e.g.: rancidity). Should the colour, homogeneity, odour and taste remain acceptable continue to use the product; in case of products used in therapeutic feeding programmes, proceed to the next step, otherwise proceed to Step 4. Step 3: Take samples and send for testing (relevant for products used in therapeutic feeding programmes) Take samples; send samples to Lab for testing to determine levels of vitamins (e.g.: vitamin A and B which are most sensitive) remain within specifications (testing for microorganism growth may be requested at the same time too). Should test results confirm vitamin levels are still within specifications continue to use product. Should vitamin levels are out of specifications offer product to other target groups (e.g.: children with MAM, adults), if not appropriate due to context, proceed to next step. Step 4: Disposal of product There are several options for disposal of food products. They include following options: 1, Composting (require removing primary packaging) 2, Animal feed (require removing primary packaging) 3, Deposit into or onto land (e.g.: landfill) 4, Incineration
Jan Komrska


9 years ago

dear panelists,

I come back with this equally important question: Tell us what are the best practices in the planning, monitoring and rational management of nutritional inputs in the structures for management of malnutrition, (taking into account the supply pipeline circuit, the monthly targets, coverage, security, etc.)

Stien Gijsel


9 years ago
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