Is there a easy/simple way of calculating number of pregnant women to target in Supplementary feeding. the prevalence of pregnant women < 21 MUAC is known and entire population is known
Is [url=]this document[/url] useful?
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


9 years ago
Dear Mark, The document is really helpful thank you. But here all surveys are done using under five to get the prevalence, so how do we predict the prevalence P&LW mainly for TSFP not BSFP Thank you


9 years ago
It seems that you are asking how to estimate prevalence of GAM in pregnant and lactating women (PLW) from the prevalence of GAM in children aged 6-59 months. Is that correct? At a "conceptual" level we might expect the two prevalences to be linked to each other but reality might be different. I have seen (e.g.) mothers restrict intake to protect their children from malnutrition. I have also seen mothers restrict their intake to produce a small foetus in order to reduce the likelihood of a birth accident. Also, there will be problems of using different indicators in children and PLW with W/H being strongly influenced by body shape. I know of no attempt to model the relationship between the two prevalences. This means that you meed to do a survey of PLWs. The survey sample size need not be large because (1) there is usually a limited number of PLWs in the program area at any one time so you can apply a finite population correction to sample size calculations (see [url=]here[/url]), and (2) you can estimate prevalence efficiently using the PROBIT estimator. I think a sample size of about n = 150 would be fine. Using this method with older people works well with n = 192 collected as m = 16 clusters of n = 12 older people). I hope this is of some help.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


9 years ago
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