Dear all Save the Children are excited to launch version 2 of the Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) Toolkit which has been developed this year. Thanks to a large number of internal and external reviewers it has been possible to update some of the tools and revise the layout into a more user-friendly format. The link to the IYCF-E Toolkit is below: [url][/url] The documents have been split into 3 sub-folders: 1) Core Toolkit - Essential Documents for an IYCF-E Response 2) Key Implementation Resources - Useful Documents for Initiating an IYCF-E Response 3) References - Key Guidelines, guidance Notes and Examples Related to IYCF-E We are also pleased to announce that the Core Toolkit has been translated into Arabic and in the coming months will also be translated into French. We hope this will facilitate use of the IYCF-E Toolkit globally at a time when clarity on how to plan and implement IYCF-E programmes is being sought. Save the Children would be very keen for any feedback on use of the IYCF-E Toolkit as it has not yet been piloted and in addition please offer suggestions on any documents that could be added. The contact email address is: We hope you find this a useful resource and look forward to receiving your feedback in the future. Many thanks, ---------- Nicki Connell Humanitarian Nutrition Advisor Emergency Health and Nutrition Save the Children USA ---------- ---------- Save the Children invests in childhood – every day, in times of crisis and for our future.

Hi Nicki,
This is very useful documents for IYCF-E thanks a lot. just wanted to ask if there are any changes on this documents/improvements- since it is been almost 4yrs since its developed. Am planning for a IYCF training and I would like to use most of the kit.

M Billow. - SCI Somalia.

Mohamed Billow


6 years ago

Dear all

We have a 2017 version of the toolkit

Let me know if you can find the link

Best regards


Alessandro Iellamo


6 years ago


The link to the new toolkit has been requested and I think it is this one, dated September 29th 2017:

Best wishes,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


6 years ago

For those who have tried to use the IYCF-E Toolkit recently, you’ll have experienced the frustration that many have had, finding broken links all over!  Now it is resolved and here you go the link:

Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) Toolkit: Rapid start-up for emergency nutrition personnel | Save the Children’s Resource Centre


Tammam Ali Mohammed Ahmed


2 years ago
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