I have recently completed a review of nutrition issues in a small Pacific Island country, which has a high prevalence of obesity and associated NCDs in adults. However there is also a small but increasing problem of severe/moderate acute malnutrition in young children in urban areas, associated with early cessation of breastfeeding. A program is being planned for prevention, however in respect of treatment, the nutrition team has had difficulty in securing appropriate therapeutic products for hospital and/or community based treatment of these children,. Apparently staff of regional agencies believe that acute malnutrition does not exist in these settings and will not approve supply. I have raised this issue with the regional UNICEF office, with no reply as yet. Meantime can anyone advise what could be done to access a supply of RUTF & RUSF?
Hi Dympna What island are you working on? I am also in a very similar setting and faced with the same situation in Bougainville. UNICEF has been working very hard to get Plumpynut into PNG and have had some recent success! I will now try to work with them to get this out to the health services in Bougainville. I recommended that as well as a RUTF you try work with the health department or hospitals to also use s75 and s100 for treatment of SAM. Maybe we can team together and advocate that SAM does exist in the Pacific and health services are not equipped to deal with this!


10 years ago
Happy to discuss working together on this - maybe contact me directly.
Dympna Leonard


10 years ago
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