I'm looking for any evidence or experience on behaviour change programs/interventions which might show support for the length of time needed or number of contact points needed in order to elicit effective behaviour change. I can't seem to find any information on how long the BCC needs to continue for in order to find a sustained change, so was wondering if anyone had any experiences on this? I know this area is still in the early stages of investigation but any experience on what other BCC programs are doing would be great! Thanks!
Hi Aisling, That's a bit of a million dollar questions. There's current support for the more someone is exposed to quality, creative, and different types of activities, and the more they discuss it with others, the more likely they are to change their behaviour, but there are a lot of caveats. It depends on the activities, the person, the health behaviour in question, the context, environment, system, other activities going on, history of activities etc. etc. You may find the organisation I work for useful if you haven't found us already: http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaaction/what_we_do/impact You should find a few research and policy briefings that might help.
Genevieve Hutchinson


10 years ago
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