Uganda is in the initial stages of consultation on issues to consider in developing nutrition planning guidelines that are targeting different sectors (agriculture, social development, health, education etc) and for use at national and sub-national level. Kindly share with me sources of information (both publications and experiences) that could be useful for this process.
Hi Brenda,
Just last month, Mali launched their costed Multi-sector Action Plan for Nutrition, which could be a helpful resource. The national and international REACH coordinaters in Mali were heavily involved throughout the process, so I recommend getting in contact with them as a first step. I understand that Uganda is a REACH partnership country, so I imagine you can get their contact information through the partnership.
Best of luck!
10 years agoHi Brenda
I developed a multisectoral strategy in Zanzibar with over 6 sectors
• Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (MANR)
• Department of Food Security and Nutrition
• Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT)
• Ministry of Health (MOH)
• Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries (MLF)
• Ministry of Social Welfare, Youth, Women and Children Development (MOSWYWCD)
• Office of the President, Regional Administration and Local Government, (Tawala za Mkoa na Serikali za Mtaa (TAMISEMI)
• Zanzibar Food and Drug Board (ZFDB)
I can help guide you through some of the planning I did I broke it down into these sessions:
1. Global Scaling Up Nutrition Initiatives & Milestones
2. Prioritizing & Targeting
3. Targeting For Results: Setting Targets, Tracking Indicators, Progress
4. Governance, Policy, Standards & Guidelines
5. Human Capacity to Scale Up Nutrition
6. Commodities, Supplies & Equipment to Scale Up Nutrition
7. Costing to Scale Up Nutrition
I would be more than happy to walk you though and share materials. I also have some other country examples provided to me from the SUN secretariat.
10 years agoDear Brenda,
FAO is currently implementing a Capacity Building project on "Integrating Nutrition and Food Security programming". Through this project we are developing the capacities of humanitarian professionals to integrate nutrition and food security interventions appropriately and accountably throughout the programme cycle. The project focuses on crisis-prone countries in the Sahel (Burkina Faso, Chad,
Mali and Niger) and the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South-Sudan). As part of the project, we organized regional training events in these 2 regions. To know more about the project: [url][/url].
One of the methodologies that we are using during and promoting through the workshop is the [url=]Agreeing on the causes of malnutrition for joint action[/url] manual (FAO, 2013). This manual is designed to assist professionals to promote integrated planning across sectors for sustainable improvements in nutrition.
I think that the information and documents (including the presentations made during the regional workshops) on the website and the guideline can be of interest for you.
Please do not hesitate to contact me or my colleague Angela Kimani ([url][/url]) who is based in Nairobi and coordinated the project for the Horn of Afroca if you want further information.
Best regards,
10 years ago