TERMS OF REFERENCE Consultant for Development of Community Nutrition Facilitator’s Manual LEARN Project (Leveraging Essential Nutrition Actions to Reduce Malnutrition) Yangon, Myanmar Background The multi-donor Livelihoods and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT) in Myanmar has funded a consortium of Save the Children, ACF and Helen Keller International, to implement the LEARN project. The goal of this three-year project (Dec.2012 – Dec.2015) is to build the capacity of LIFT implementing partners (IPs) in order to maximize the nutritional impact of their food security and livelihoods (FSL) projects throughout the country. There are currently about 40 LIFT partners implementing projects ranging from agriculture, aquaculture, to cash-for-work and microfinance. The main activities of the LEARN project to date have included nutrition training and technical assistance to IP staff at Yangon and field levels and advocacy to the LIFT Fund Board and Fund Management Office to integrate nutrition into their strategy and future program design. Purpose of the consultancy In order to improve the effectiveness of its training curriculum and to increase capacity of LEARN staff, the LEARN project will work with a consultant to: 1. Develop a facilitator’s manual that IP staff can use to support their efforts to improve nutrition knowledge within the communities in which they work. Currently, there is a dearth of nutrition education support materials adapted to the Myanmar context that are intended for staff working outside of health and nutrition projects. 2. Contribute a resource that can be used by staff of various organizations in Myanmar beyond the life of the LEARN project. The consultancy will include development of the manual, as well as guiding field testing before it is finalized. The manual will expand on what LEARN staff have already developed, and will cover main nutrition topics (e.g. basic nutrition, balanced diet, malnutrition, maternal nutrition, IYCF, etc.). It will be targeted to IP staff with no nutrition expertise. The manual will include: • Basic nutrition technical information • Key messages for each nutrition topic, including how to integrate nutrition into other sectors • Guidelines for communicating nutrition messages • Simple participatory activities that field staff can conduct in their communities (outlined step-by-step). Scope of work includes: In close collaboration with LEARN team: • Review background material related to the LEARN project, the nutrition situation in Myanmar and existing nutrition guidance manuals used in this and other contexts • Review current drafts of LEARN training materials • Prepare and conduct short qualitative research on how adults learn in Myanmar (specifically in rural / underserved areas of the country) • Gather information from IP staff to inform development of the manual • With technical input from the LEARN Program Manager, write content for manual • Develop and/or adapt participatory exercises for each topic/chapter • Create a user-friendly format/outline • Guide pilot-testing of materials in selected communities • Revise materials • Finalize manual (within input from LEARN Technical Assistance Group and staff) Outputs and Deliverables 1. Report of research methodology and results 2. Document of references used in development of manual 3. Final tested English-language content and format for manual ready for translation and layout Duration The consultant would be expected to complete this work between June and August 2014. The total time required is expected to no more than 40 working days, based on an 8-hour day. Qualifications The consultant should have demonstrated experience in: • Development of adult education materials for developing country contexts (health, nutrition or other related topics desirable). • Skills in conducting qualitative research / FGDs • Knowledge of the local context desirable. Interested Applicants should send a letter of interest, CV, proposed timeline for the consultancy and daily rate to: Human Resources Department| Save the Children| Wizaya Plaza-First Floor| 226 U Wisara Road| Bahan Township| Yangon| Myanmar Email address: recruitment.myanmar@savethechildren.org no later than 20 May 2014 (Tuesday). Short-listed candidates will be requested to provide a sample of their previous work. Note: The job vacancy can also be viewed in SCI web site [url]http://myanmar.savethechildren.net/jobs[/url] Candidates are also requested to mention in the applications if there is, blood/marriage relationships with the existing Save the Children employees. No requirement of photo or copy of certificates and only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Remark: For those who fail to mention or incorrectly mention the title of the position applied for, we will consider those as disqualified and we will not consider for then for the short list.
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