From Massimo Serventi: Here in Port Sudan (Red Sea state) children with IDA are many, the majority of them, mycrocitic anemia, 6/7 gr/dl on average, MCV often less than 60. They respond to iron treatment. In Tanzania where I reside since 1982 the situation is FAR from this picture. I ask myself: why? children here are breast fed, exclusively for 6 months. a porridge with sorghum (dura) and milk if then offered to infants. Yes, SAM is diffuse but not impressively. Very frequent is also SCD, in some areas is Highly widespread. My question is/are: 1) is this IDA explained by lack of iron in the diet tout court or there are other factors? is the lack of fresh fruit/vegetable playing a role? (last year days of rain were 2(two!). 2) are there other regions in the world with similar picture? 3) which possible actions are possible? iron fortification of food? which one? is the message of anticipating the time of weaning(4 months instead of six) worthwile? is ferrous dextrane iv a suitable eleternative to oral fe2so4. thank you again. massimo port sudan pediatrician
An additional question from Massimo: How could I proceed if I want to Document IDA in my area ? should I perform full blood picture to ALL children in OPD? with MCV and RDW? this is possible in our setting, transferrine or ferritine ARE NOT possible. Last: suppose I demonstrate IDA in the area, what are the possible measures to be taken? supplementation? how? fortification of food? how? who is responsible of it? Thank you.
Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


10 years ago
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