I am new to the field of community nutrition and am having difficulty finding the answer to my question. Any assistance or references would be appreciated. We have a small ambulatory child nutrition program. Our mothers participate every 15 days and are sent home with a dry ration supplement each visit. We need to approach the NGO providing our rations to see if we can have the calorie level increased. I have been looking for references/guidelines for the recommended amount of calories/protein to provide as a supplement for malnourished children under five to promote weight gain in ambulatory programs. Is there a standard? Where is the best place to look for this kind of information?
The general guideline for dry rations is 1,000 - 1,200 kcal per day (it's high to account for sharing within households) and 35-45 g of protein. Also, "Energy-dense supplementary food must contain at least 100 kcal per 100 grammes with at least 30% of the energy coming from fat." See the UNHCR/WFP Guidelines for Selective Feeding Programmes in Emergency Situations, here (p. 15): http://www.wpro.who.int/internet/files/eha/toolkit/web/Technical%20References/Nutrition/Selective%20feeding%20in%20emergencies.pdf
Brent Scharschmidt


15 years ago
"Guidelines for Selective Feeding :The Management of Malnutrition In Emergencies,May 2009" by UNCHR and WFP.This document will guide you.You can download it http://oneresponse.info/GlobalClusters/Nutrition/Pages/default.aspx Thanks
Rogers Wanyama


15 years ago
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