Hi colleagues, I am looking for information on national protocols and/or standard practice for the management of MAM in India. If you are working on MAM in India, or familiar with MAM programming in this context, I would be grateful for any info you could share on government policies related to MAM, products vs. local foods used, etc. Thanks
Dear Jeanette, I work for Terre des hommes Foundation and our project in the Sundarbans in West Bengal includes in addition to Facility Based treatment of SAM also community based management of MAM. India is still in the process of formulating guidelines for Community Based management of SAM so guidelines on MAM management are still far away- Guidelines on Management of MAM are not available even globally right? I share a few quick points on our experience with MAM in community 1. We use NUTRIMIX ( a product made by Child In Need Institute) a Cereal Pulses mixture fortified with Iron and Iodine as the supplement. 2. We enroll children based on MUAC between 11.5 and 12.4 and follow up fortnightly for 3 months within which we expect that children will get out of MAM. 3.In addition to supplement we ensure deworming and Vitamin A supplementation for all children above 1 year of age. We have a child wise monitoring system and we have initial results for close to 1000 children. I will be happy to discuss more with you on our results and some of the questions we have - please write to me directly at my email address charulatha.banerjee@tdh.ch Would also be interested to know why you are looking for this information and how you will use it. Warm Regards Charulatha
Charulatha Banerjee


10 years ago

Thanks you Mam. Great to hear about MAM intervention.

Priscilla SCARIAH


6 years ago
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