We should put exact annual target number for U5 Screened ? based on annual screening done during the year in CMAM program, we exceed the number of cases that plan to be screened during the year by 100%. if we match the number screened it may exceed the number of U5 in the catchment area, as we can say the screening done more than one time during the year. it just reflect there is active cases finding by CHPs in the area. and the reports (monthly , annually) always showed the number of U5 screened. screening is the main activity in CMAM program, how can imeasure this activity rather than the number of cases screened . put in consideration i have target for SAM cases.
A good target is to screen all children frequently. The limit to this is probably every child on a monthly basis. Anything else is sub-optimal. A key challenge for CMAM is to make this happen. Solutions tried and tested so far include community sensitisation and mobilisation (CSM) as in the original CTC model, strengthening of GMP services, integration with EPI and IMCI, and (recently) giving MUAC straps to every mother. These do not always work but they can be made to work. Evidence suggests that the least effective approach is mass-screening at central locations as a "program extension" activity. In terms of measurement ... am indirect measure might be: number screened (incuding multiple times) in year / (population * 12) or: number screened (incuding multiple times) in month / population You might also want to look at DNA (did not attend) proportion using a referral monitoring system. I hope this is of some use.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


10 years ago
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