I would like to know if there is any contraindications regarding the use of Plumpy'nut in children and adolescents suffering from DSTB or MDRTB. If its use can adversely affect drug absorption or cause any harm. In case of no contraindication, and because of the long treatment periods for Tuberculose (till 2 years), for how long, maximum its advisible to use Plumpynut as major fount of energy? Thanks
RUTF (plumpy'nut) is designed to achieve rapid weight gain in children with severe wasting. This should take a few weeks at most. There is no rationale to give it to patient who are not wasted, even if they have TB.
André Briend
Technical Expert


10 years ago
Hi Andre, Thanks for the answer. Actually I'm talking about children with SAM and MAM with TB and MDRTB. It was my mistake don't mention it. As you know nutritional status of these children lie down between acute and cronic malnutrition once some of them were admited as SAM or MAM and after several months on TB treatment some continue with SAM or MAM. Also we don't know for how long they were malnourished before starting the treatment. I'm not using plumpy'nut, once they have some appetite. But their satiety is achieved too quick. I'm trying to use local products but in ambulatory there are some constrains apart from the logistic ones. I have some Plumpy nut units available and this is the reason of my question. Thanks


10 years ago
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