I a a health advisor for MSF OCA, I have received a question from the field regarding the sfaety of treating malnutrition in patients with hepatitis using plumpynut or BP100, does the high fat content of these products pose a problem for such patients?
During the acute phase when liver function is severly compromised the patient's appetites will be severly affected, they will not take these products - F75 is designed for patients with compromised hepatic function (for example in acute kwashiorkor. If the patients have appetite then there is no contraindication to using the F100 formula and its derivites (plumpynut, BP100) in patients recovering from hepatitis. The high fat content is NOT a problem in patients with hepatitis. The protein level in F100 is not heroic, and is high quality. The only medical conditions in which these products should be used with caution is in patients with renal failure, this is because of the relatively high potassium content of the diets. Mike Golden
Michael Golden


15 years ago
Thanks a lot Mr. Golden Yesterday I received the same query from the field regarding use of Plumpynut in a patient of HepA. Being a medical doctor and having little knowledge of the pathophysiology of hepatitis , my feedback to my colleagues was the same as yours, but still i was looking for some reference and i found your expert comments. I agree that if the appetite is intact and there is no obstructive component involved in the Juandice development, only inflamatory process is involved , then RUTF could be used cautiously. Would welcome any further opinions and comments
Dr. W M Khan


10 years ago

HEPATITIS is no longer a threat to man kind, the cure is available. Contact Dr. Iyabiye fore total cure at iyabiyehealinghome@gmail.com or WhatsApp and phone call: +2348072229413.



6 years ago
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