I have tried to calculate the sample size by manual using the formula [((mode*(1-mode)/(precision/1.96)2 )-( a+ß-2)] and check with BayesSQUEAC calculator (Version 3.01) but they are different. I did also check four SQUEAC reports of different countries and there is the same difference. Why is that? Thanks Kiross
Hello Kiross, You are using the correct manual formula and this, as you said, can be slightly different from BayesSQUEAC calculator sample size. If you want to share the data from your example (alpha. beta, precision and mode) we can have a closer look to it, but mainly 2 things might be happening: 1) The BayesSQUEAC calculator applies a modest population correction and it may show a lower sample size than using the manual formula given the same prior and required precision. This may happen with weak priors 2) There is a rule that states that the likelihood must be at least as strong as the prior. When a strong prior is used you me see difference due to this rule I do hope this helps Jose Luis


11 years ago
Dear Jose, Thanks. the data i am referring are already available on the following link; http://www.coverage-monitoring.org/resources/. i did check for the following reports; Darfur April2013, Afghanistan Jan2013, Philippines Feb2013 and Pakistan TMK Jan2013. As per the manual calculation, the sample size for the above reports is 80, 16, 16, and 64 respectively while using the calculator, it is 70, 32, 21 and 58 respectively. it seems the calculator estimation is higher except for Darfur case. Tahnks Kiross


11 years ago

Hello all,

Following frequent stock-outs of plumpy nut (in Haiti), I would like to know if you would have alternative equivalents?
Moreover, in Haiti, peanut paste is frequently consumed and very accessible.

I suspect that many trials / studies (sorghum flour, peanut paste, banana, egg yolk, moringa?) must have been conducted, but would you have any "precise recipes" that have been validated and tested locally?

Thank you for sharing experiences and knowledge,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


11 years ago
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