I want to know how other people have integrated IYCF and CMAM in different parts of the world and the success of the different methods (and how this has been monitored and evaluated) in order to learn so that we might do the same. Thanks.
Hi Ali Your question is very timely. The ENN/IFE Core Group have been working to develop a training material on IYCF integrated into CMAM/CTC over the past 12 months or so. This initiative was implemented by a group of experienced consultants (on CMAM, training and IYCF) and funded by the Nutrition Cluster. The training material is being finalised and should be available in the next couple of weeks. I'll post a link as soon as it is ready. The content has been piloted in two countries - in Sierra Leone in Feb 2009 (with Valid International and UNICEF) and in Zimbabwe in June 2009 (with SCUK and UNICEF). The evaluation report is being finalised from Zimbabwe and will also be available. Some observations for the evaluations: The evaluations have found that the key link to integrating the IYCF content into the CMAM/CTC training, is what needs to happen at key 'Points of Contact' with mothers/caregivers and their children. Whether IYCF training preceeds or follows a CMAM/CTC training is less significant than emphasis on this 'Point of Contact' link, by facilitators. Following their training, some participants described IYCF as the key link between CMAM/CTC and growth monitoring and a valuable tool towards integrated programming. Others felt it was the fifth element of CMAM/CTC programming, that is sat well with prevention and treatment of malnutrition and that it really helped them to appreciate the community engagement of the community-based approach. The most recent training in Zimbabwe included an expanded content on IYCF and was a training of trainers - SCUK Zimbabwe now has a team of IYCF counsellors that are a valuable national and regional resource. So links to resources soon to follow.....
Marie McGrath
Technical Expert


15 years ago
Hi Marie & Ali, WV is planning to integrate IYCF in the context of CMAM programs. One thing we are planning on doing is providing specific training on IYCF for project staff duing the initial CMAM training. It is just at the conceptual stage at this point, but hope to pilot in the next 6 months. Marie - I am very encouraged to read of the materials that are being developed for this and look forward to reviewing them.
Colleen Emary


15 years ago
Hi Colleen Great to hear of this initiative, and the resource that we've developed is for exactly the sort of context you describe, and in which it has been piloted. We can also share evaluation methods carried out. An extra dimension that needs to be added to this work is, what is the impact? What difference does it make to IYCF practices and outcomes? It would be great if you could conduct some baseline study pre-training and then follow-up post training. I can liase direct with you and the consultants who worked on this, and we can share progress, developments, etc on this forum. Best regards Marie
Marie McGrath
Technical Expert


15 years ago
Could I know the link for training module of integrating CMAM and IYCF?
Nicholus Tint Zaw


13 years ago
Hi Nicky The link is at: http://www.ennonline.net/resources/722 or click on the link at the ENN home page. Best regards Marie
Marie McGrath
Technical Expert


13 years ago
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