Dear all, Do you know if studies exist on the impact of the packaging (family vs. individual) on the food/ product sharing practices within the household? Products provided in individual/ small portion (RUTF, LNS) seem to be less subject to sharing than the ones provided in bulk. Thanks for your inputs! Best, Sophie
Dear Sophie, Please find bellow 4 references. Sharing is usually only a hypothesis to better or worse weight gain in children consuming one product or the other. Hope this ihelps Severine Matilsky DK, Maleta K, Castleman T, et al. Supplementary feeding with fortified spreads resultsin higher recovery rates than with a corn/soy blend in moderately wasted children. J Nutr 2009;139:773–8. Ciliberto MA, Sandige H, Ndekha MJ, et al. Comparison of home-based therapy with ready-to-use therapeutic food with standard therapy in the treatment of malnourished Malawian children: a controlled, clinical effectiveness trial. Am J Clin Nutr 2005;81:864–70. Patel MP, Sandige HL, Ndekha MJ, et al. Supplemental feeding with ready-to-use therapeutic food in Malawian children at risk of malnutrition. J Health Popul Nutr 2005;23:351–7. Nackers, F., et al., Effectiveness of ready-to-use therapeutic food compared to a corn/soy-blend-based pre-mix for the treatment of childhood moderate acute malnutrition in Niger. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 2010. 56(6): p. 407-413.
Severine Frison


11 years ago
Dear Severine, Thank you for sharing these documents. They all refer to the use of RUF vs. CSB types of food, though. It would be interesting to know if, the product being the same (a Fortified Blend Food for that matter), the packaging alone would have an impact on the way it is used at HH level. Cheers, Sophie
Sophie Whitney


11 years ago
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