Dear all, De worming of children is done only after 1 year routinely. As per all available guidelines the same is recommended even for a child with SAM. So a child below 1 year of age admitted to an inpatient facility is not given an anti helminthic. Are there any exceptions to this and can it be administered in a situation where we expect a high worm load owing to very poor sanitation practice? Any experiences and advice on this will be very useful.
HI, Worm medicine is only given to children older than one year, considering children start walking at this age and have less chance to be infected. The other reason I know is because it's much more easier for the child to fight this pathology when he is in OTP after fighting malnutrition in-patient where all of his body need to recovery slowly and normally all the OTP give the medication for deworming. So if you OTP I think you should wait, but if you don't have OTP and you are sure child are infected, I don't know if we can give automatically. C.
chantal a


11 years ago
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