How can the proportion of pregnant women who access supplementary feeding program be measured?
Hello, I think that this resource would be useful to you: [url][/url]
Alexandra Rutishauser-Perera


11 years ago
This is similar to assessing coverage in another selective entry programs such as CMAM. The difference is that the entry criteria is pregnant (or pregnant or lactating) rather than MUAC < 115 mm or oedema as it would be in a CMAM. This means that you can adapt SQUEAC, SLEAC, or CSAS to this problem. A quick and dirty (indirect) method would be to estimate case-load (see the link in Alexandra's message above) and estimate coverage as your program numbers divided by the case-load estimate. This is a very limited and often inaccurate method but you could use it to help build the prior in stage 3 SQUEAC. You may have more responses if you post your message to the Coverage forum.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


11 years ago
Hi, Thanks above response. I just want to add that HOUSE TO HOUSE SCREENING SHOULD BE CONDUCTED in the sampled village/segments to identify MAM PLW. Active Adaptive case finding method can not capture majority of MAM PLW. Thanks


11 years ago
The active and adaptive case-finding method requires, among other things, selecting an appropriate informant. This may be difficult in urban settings but in many rural settings TBAs can take you to see PLWs but will likely be limited to pregnant women in the third trimester. House-to-house case-finding will work and should be a fall-back if you find that no other method works.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


11 years ago
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