International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs. Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility for rapid response to emergencies. International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance. Background: International Medical Corps is partnering with the Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) to support the established Rapid Response Team (RRT). The purpose of creating the RRT is to increase the capacity of the GNC to support cluster coordination and information management functions and subsequently to ensure timely and appropriate coordination and information management support in humanitarian situations – for improved emergency response. Purpose: The Consultant work is implemented under a secondment arrangement with UNICEF, under Global Nutrition Cluster Coordination. Task Description/ Deliverables: Consultant will achieve the following tasks and deliverables: • The Consultant will travel to the field up to 50% for emergency deployments in order to support the efforts of Nutrition Clusters at country levels in emergency response. The Consultant will travel globally at agreed upon assignment locations following UNICEF country offices. During field assignments the Consultant will communicate and coordinate directly with the UNICEF Country Representative (or his/her designated nominee) regarding the activities implemented at the field level, under close coordination with the IMC Technical Advisor, Caroline Abla. Consultant will be part of the Rapid Response Team (RRT) and will be deployed on a short notice when required for up to 2 months at any time during the period of performance. The initial field deployment period may be reviewed and possibly extended for a further 1 month maximum depending on the context for each emergency response. The Consultant will work out of UNICEF field offices during theses field deployments. • The Consultant will travel periodically to Geneva, Switzerland to visit EMOPS as requested by the Technical Advisor in coordination with EMOPS. Travel is estimated at approximate 1 week per each quarter. • The Consultant will coordinate with the GNC Coordinator EMOPS Geneva and the IMC’s Director of Nutrition and Food Security Department, Caroline Abla (IMC Technical Advisor) the work outside of field deployments, approx 25% of the period of performance. • The remaining 25% of the period of performance will be allocated on working under direct supervision of the Technical Advisor at IMC. The Consultant will work to complete the following specific tasks, which are part of the Term of Reference for each field deployment, based on country context and needs following advice from UNICEF Country Offices: 1. The Consultant will identify the key humanitarian partners for the cluster, respecting their respective mandates and program priorities and establishment and maintenance of appropriate humanitarian coordination mechanisms 2. The Consultant will identify the capacity mapping of all current and potential actors – government, national and international humanitarian organizations as well as national institutions, the private sector and market assess to materials and services 3. The Consultant will conduct a needs assessment and analysis of nutritional situation and vulnerability analysis 4. The Consultant will maintain information management system 5. The Consultant will advise on planning and strategy development for nutrition response 6. The Consultant will advise on application of standards - ensuring that cluster participants are aware of relevant policy guidelines, technical standards and that responses are in line with existing policy guidance, technical standards, and relevant Government human rights legal obligations 7. The Consultant will provide technical support (in areas of CMAM, nutrition surveys, IFE and Emergency component of micronutrient deficiency prevention and control activities) 8. The Consultant will advise on full integration of the IACS’s agreed priority cross-cutting issues, namely human rights, HIV/AIDS, age, gender and environment, utilization participatory and community-based approaches. In line with this, promote gender equality by ensuring that the needs, contributions and capacities of women and girls as well as men and boys are addressed; 9. The Consultant will identify core advocacy concerns, including resource requirements, and contribute key messages to broader advocacy initiatives of the Humanitarian Coordinators, donors and other actors 10. The Consultant will prepare funding appeals eg CHF, CERF etc 11. The Consultant will provide training and capacity building for national/local authorities and civil society 12. The Consultant will advise regarding regular reporting against cluster indicators of service delivery (quantity, quality, coverage, continuity and cost) supports analysis of cluster in closing gaps and measuring impact of interventions 13. The Consultant will maintain records, maintain documentation for all collective decisions and recommendation and provide cluster based update to the GNC coordinator Additional tasks related to the Global Nutrition Cluster will follow the GNC strategy that reflects agreed priorities between the cluster partners and the Cluster Lead Agency (CLA). The Consultant will provide complete the following tasks: 1. provide technical support to on-going responses and preparedness activities for National Nutrition Clusters/Sectors; 2. participate in training of Nutrition Cluster staff 3. contribute to a review, refinement and promotion of procedures, tools and approaches adopted by GNC Partners 4. collaborate with the other RRT members within GNC and EMOPS to ensure a complementary and standardized approach and to share learning in order to enhance the effectiveness of the emergency deployments 5. any other specific tasks allocated by the GNC Coordinator. The Consultant will provide technical assistance to IMC capacity building of regarding the cluster approach and mainstreaming of the cluster approach within International Medical Corps. Additional tasks will be assigned by the Technical Advisor, Caroline Abla, Director of the Nutrition and Food Security Department at International Medical Corps. QUALIFICATIONS • Education- Master’s degree or Bachelor’s degree in nutrition or associated disciplines, such as public health and eight years relevant work experience • At least eight years of experience in the nutrition sector, humanitarian preparedness, response, and poverty reduction and a well developed understanding of the challenges and opportunities for community participation in emergency response. • Experience with natural and complex emergencies in diverse cultural and climatic settings. • Experience in programme design, management, monitoring and evaluation, including application of SPHERE standards, donor relations, security, and protection considerations. • Experience in liaison with a broad range of stakeholders, including international donors, UN agencies and INGOs, national authorities, national/local partner agencies and emergency-affected communities. • Ability to deploy within 72 hours. • Excellent training, coaching and mentoring skills. • High level of writing and communication skills. Candidates should be able to demonstrate experience in all of the following and should be highly proficient in at least two of the four team competencies: 1. Nutrition Cluster co-ordination support (capacity for national or sub level) 2. Development of response strategies, flash appeals/proposals, etc., with the Nutrition Cluster agencies to support sector advocacy, coherence and fund raising efforts. 3. Technical support in the areas of CMAM, Nutrition surveys, IFE and emergency component of micronutrient deficiencies prevention and control activities as well as leading Nutrition Cluster technical working groups or identifying partners agencies who could lead such a technical working group and coordinating the outputs of such working groups. 4. Rapid needs assessment. Key capabilities • Team building • Networking • Leadership skills and conflict management • Self awareness • Interpersonal and negotiation skills • Resilience, stress tolerance and ability to cope with change • Community orientation • Data analysis for planning and monitoring • Proactive problem solving • Operational decision-making • Strong organisational skills and capacity to self-manage Languages English fluent and a second relevant language is desirable (i.e. French, Spanish, Arabic). Other requirements Candidates must be physically capable and medically fit to work and travel to remote areas. Profile We are looking for men and women with a strong commitment towards humanitarian relief and disaster operations. The candidate must possess a high level of professional and personal maturity together with an ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues, managers and external partners, such as UN organisations, NGOs, recipient governments and host populations. Candidates must be able to interact with sensitivity and display respect for diversity and gender in multi-cultural environments. A capacity for working under pressure is essential, as work is often in difficult and demanding conditions, where the focus frequently shifts due to changes in priority. The candidate is expected to have excellent analytical and communicative skills, show initiative and take both a hands-on and an analytical approach to tasks and problems. APPLICATION PROCEDURE To officially begin the application process, please visit our website at [url][/url] and complete the online employment application form.
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