UN Agency or Intergovernmental Organisation (IO)
Senior / Managerial
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Roger Mathisen is the Director of the Alive & Thrive initiative in East Asia Pacific and provides management oversight for FHI 360’s Global Nutrition Innovation Incubator and Closing the Gender Nutrition Gap Advocacy.

Roger is a nutritionist and public health manager with over two decades of experience working in civil society organizations, the UN, academia, and the private sector. Before joining Alive & Thrive, Roger worked as a nutrition specialist for the Norwegian Refugee Council and UNICEF, providing technical capacity development and emergency support to countries in Africa and Asia.

Roger is on the editorial boards and a frequent reviewer for several international peer-reviewed scientific journals. He is also a member of the technical advisory panel guiding investments by the Power of Nutrition. Roger has also received several awards, including the Memorabilia for Contribution to People’s Health in Viet Nam.

Roger has a Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Oslo and continuing education from the University of Ulster, Harvard Business Publishing, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in Applied Nutrition, Research Design, Organizational Management, and Health Policy and Financing.

Roger is based in Hanoi, Vietnam. ​