Dear all,

It is higlighted that no new CMAM program is needed in this Covid-19 pandemic. Reference: GTAM-Existing CMAM programmes should be supported to continue if possible, however new CMAM programmes are not recommended during an influenza pandemic.

If the country has high MAM prevelence rate (8%) which is found even higher in different Provinces. What will be the response plan? How can we strengthen IMAM program ??

Please find a new brief from UNICEF, GNC and GTAM on management of child wasting in the context of COVID-19:

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


4 years ago

Dear Anon,

A new resource on simplified protocol for acute malnutrition management has been posted in the the simplified approaches area of en-net here. The protocol combines and simplifies standard OTP and TSFP treatment for uncomplicated severe and moderate wasting. 

This might be something to consider in your context.

Best wishes,


Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


4 years ago
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