If you're a CMAM and data expert, speak French and want to work on a great team - apply to be our CMAM Scale MEAL Advisor, here. 

The CMAM Scale MEAL Advisor will be responsible for all measurement, evaluation and learning deliverables under the three year funded CMAM Scale Project across five countries (Burkina Faso, Chad, DRC, Niger and Somalia). This will include developing and implementing a robust MEL system in CommCare that meets the requirements of the projects learning agenda. Specifically, the MEAL Advisor will be responsible for creating quantitative and qualitative data collection tools and processes documented in a monitoring, evaluation and learning plan (MELP), train staff and partners in MEL system implementation, coordinate all data collection efforts, ensure data quality, process and analyse the data for donor reporting, adaptive management, and learning purposes, and provide oversight support to the project team. Additionally, the MEAL Advisor will support the implementation of coverage surveys including providing technical support, training, reviewing and validating the data analysis and report writing. The MEAL Advisor will work closely with IRC’s Best Use of Resources Team to evaluate cost-effectiveness (through the Dioptra tool) on an annual basis. The MEAL Advisor will also take an active role in adaptive management through active participation in stakeholder and learning and work planning meetings. 

See the full job description here


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