Dear ENN Members,

USAID Advancing Nutrition is seeking a consultant for an activity based in Niger. See the job annoucement and full scope of work here.

Through this activity, USAID Advancing Nutrition aims to provide USAID with insights into the engagement and analysis processes for the Fill the Nutrient Gap analysis in Niger, documenting integration of secondary data sources, decision-making processes, and analytical assumptions. The consultant will review relevant documents and participate in a day-long in-person stakeholder consultation to observe and document the information presented, the discussions that occur, and recommendations shared. The consultant will document key takeaways and detailed findings in a report and a summary presentation.

  • The consultant should be based in Niger and meet the following qualifications:
  • Familiarity with FNG and Cost of Diet analysis processes
  • Significant work experience in Niger
  • Background in one or more of the following technical areas: nutrition, nutrition-sensitive agriculture, nutrition-sensitive social protection
  • Masters degree in development, nutrition, humanitarian response, or agriculture
  • Excellent French language skills (verbal and written)
  • Working proficiency in English (verbal and written)

To apply, please submit your application materials to and include the following required materials (cover letter and resume) and include the title of the consultancy in the subject line of the email.

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