GOAL Uganda is recruiting a Consultant to conduct a Maternal New-born and Child Health and Nutrition (MNCHN) Systems Assessment

REF: KLA-N-695

Background: GOAL is an international humanitarian agency, currently operating in 13 countries worldwide, dedicated to alleviating the suffering of the poorest of the poor.  We are a non-denominational, non-governmental and non-political organisation. For more information on GOAL and its operations please visit www.goalglobal.org

GOAL has been working in Uganda since 1979, The GOAL Uganda country programme focuses on two of GOAL’s three strategic sectors: health (including WASH and health accountability programming) and livelihoods. GOAL Uganda mainstreams gender, and child protection across all programming. GOAL works on a district focused approach and uses a mixture of direct implementation and partnerships with local civil society organisations, private sector partners, and district local governments to give effect to our mission. GOAL Uganda is funded by a number of donors, including Irish Aid, charity: water, USAID, and Mastercard Foundation.

Service requirement: The purpose of the consultancy is to undertake a detailed Maternal Newborn and Child Health and Nutrition (MNCHN) system assessment in Uganda (national level) and in Agago district specifically. This assessment will incorporate (a) a mapping of MNCHN system with a particular focus on  nutrition governance, policies (rules/enabling environment) and service delivery (including inputs) at both district and national levels; (b)  a description of the target community at district level; (c) an analysis of the relationships / behavior of key players in the system (stakeholder analysis), (d) a gender and age assessment to identify those excluded and (e) an analysis of the shocks and stresses on the identified system, in order to analyze the system and develop a potential portfolio of interventions based on the opportunities for GOAL to engage and create change.

The consultant will initially focus on a review of secondary data, and as needed on primary data collection and analysis and finally on the development of a potential portfolio of interventions based on the opportunities for GOAL to engage and create change. Working closely with GOAL HQ Technical Team members including nutrition, health and WASH, GOAL Uganda team will then use the analysis and recommended potential portfolio of interventions for further analysis and design processes.

The consultancy is required to use the tools included in GOAL Programme Contextual Analysis and Design (PCAD), as will be provided upon successful recruitment and GOAL’s Nutrition advisor is available to brief and support the consultant in their use.

Process: Request for Quotation (RFQ)

Documents: Click on the links below to download the RFQ documents.

Closing date for clarifications: 28th October 2020 at 1700Hrs EAT

Closing date for receipt of submissions: 30th October 2020 at 1700Hrs EAT

Please refer to the RFQ documents for all other details.

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