SEN-04: Support for the Assessment of Nutritional Biomarkers in Senegal

General objective
The general objective of this technical assistance is to assess the impact of food fortification interventions on the iron, folate, and vitamin A status of children (12-59 months) and women of childbearing age (15-49 years) in Senegal.

Specific objectives

  1. Identify the socio-economic factors of iron, folate and vitamin A deficiency in women of childbearing age and children under five, including gender discrimination
  2. Measure iron status, C-reactive protein (CRP), alpha-glycoprotein (AGP), folate and vitamin A in women (15-49 years)
  3. Measure iron, CRP, AGP and vitamin A status in children (12-59 months) by gender
  4. Analyze and interpret the results obtained
  5. Make recommendations for improving or formulating policies for nutrition interventions related to the battle against micronutrient deficiencies
  6. Prepare a final report 
  7. Organize a workshop to share and disseminate the results.

Expected results

  • The socio-economic factors of iron, folate, and vitamin A deficiencies and anemia in women (15-49 years) and children (12-59 months), including factors related to gender inequalities, will be known.
  • Iron, folate, vitamin A status of women (15-49 years)
  • Infectious status (CRP, AGP) of women (15-49 years) will be known
  • Assessment of iron, vitamin A status in children (12-59 months)
  • Infectious status (CRP, AGP) of children (12-59 months) will be known
  • The final report of the results obtained will be prepared, including information about anemia. This report will include a description of the dosage and statistical analysis methodologies and references about the materials/equipment used.
  • A workshop to share and disseminate the results will be organized

Assignment location
The consultant will work for 20 days to gather the necessary data for the report. If the consultant is an international consultant, a 10-day presence in Senegal will be required.

All travel required under this consultancy will be provided for by Nutrition International. Travel allowance maximums are based on standard rates of the organization.

This mission will be implemented in 2 phases, as indicated above. Phase 1 will be carried out by the Pasteur Institute within 2 months of receipt of the samples. Phase 2 will last 2 months from the time the results of Phase 1 are submitted by the Pasteur Institute.

Profile/qualifications of TA providers
For this mission, the Pasteur Institute will be commissioned by NI to carry out biochemical dosages in the laboratory (Phase 1). For Phase 2, an internationally renowned consultant with proven experience in biochemistry, analysis of biochemical markers of nutritional status and statistical mining of data will be recruited. Candidates may consider a team of national and international consultants (if required for the assignment).

NI is committed to gender equality. Consultants are required to indicate how they will ensure that gender equality considerations are included in the way they provide technical assistance.

For the complete terms of reference and application information visit: 

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