PAK 13- Technical Assistance to Government of Pakistan for Formulation of National Food Fortification Act and Rules of Business

Overall objective

To support formulation of legal and regulatory frameworks for National Food Fortification legislation in Pakistan which would further create enabling environment for food fortification in the country, and to facilitate presenting this to the legislative bodies as appropriate.

Specific objectives

  1. To analyze the existing food fortification landscape in the country including the related laws, regulations, and acts of provinces; and relevant global practices and policies/ regulations/ acts
  2. To support the formulation of National Mandatory Food Fortification Act and Rules of Business for enforcement of mandatory fortification of wheat flour with iron and folic acid, Vit B12 and Zinc; edible oil and ghee with Vitamin A&D; and salt with iodine 
  3. Coordinate and foster stakeholder consensus for finalization of national fortification acts and rules of business, and submission to the Government for further vetting and facilitate in drafting responses to any clarifications and amendment sought by relevant government departments (P&D, health, law etc.).

Duty Station/Location

The Consultant will be based in Pakistan for this assignment. The Ministry of Planning Development & Special Initiative (MoPD&SI) would provide official workspace to the team to hold joint discussions, meetings, and reviews.

All travels required under this consultancy will be provided for by Nutrition International. Travel allowances maximums are based on standard rates of the organization


This TA support would be for a period of up to 9 months, starting from September 2020.

For the complete terms of reference and application information please visit:

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