The Link to the Vacancy is here: Technical Advisor: Humanitarian and Nutrition Vacancy Link.  This link will be active until 10 April, 2020.


Save the Children is a partner in USAID Advancing Nutrition, USAID's flagship nutrition project, led by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI), and a diverse group of experienced partners. Launched in September 2018, USAID Advancing Nutrition implements and provides technical support to nutrition interventions across sectors and disciplines for USAID and its partners. The project's multi-sectoral approach draws together global nutrition experience to design, implement and evaluate programs that address the root causes of malnutrition. Committed to
using a systems approach, USAID Advancing Nutrition strives to sustain positive outcomes by building local capacity, supporting behavior change and strengthening the enabling environment to save lives, improve health, build resilience, increase economic productivity and advance development.

The Advisor supports the Nutrition in Humanitarian Contexts team and engages in nutrition activities crossing the development and emergency spectrum, including complex humanitarian contexts. The Advisor assists USAID and its partners to solve specific challenges to improving nutrition in humanitarian contexts and provides technical leadership and oversight to ensure that the project produces quality deliverables. In these efforts, the Advisor documents learning and helps to build evidence related to immediate, underlying and basic causes of malnutrition.

The Advisor focuses on food assistance programming, including in-kind, cash and voucher modalities and activities that support treatment and prevention of acute malnutrition. Areas of cross-cutting interaction include social and behavior change; capacity strengthening around maternal, infant and young child nutrition; hygiene; nutrition-sensitive programming; and other practices and approaches aimed at reducing malnutrition in both acute and protracted humanitarian contexts. The Advisor leads or supports activities that may examine humanitarian assistance design, implementation, operations research, and related analysis, guidance, tools and policy advice to USAID, implementing partners and other local actors.

The Technical Advisor Humanitarian & Nutrition Programs is advertised through multiple USAID Advancing Nutrition consortium partners and is fully seconded to the project. Qualified applicants are encouraged to apply through the single (1) organization they are most interested in working for in this position. Submitting applications through more than one (1) consortium partner is prohibited and could result in disqualification.

The position is based in Arlington, VA.

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