Nutrition SMART SENS Survey Specialist for Southern Chad and Lakes Region - Consultancy

Location: Chad


Duration and dates of the assignment

From: 10/5/2020 - 10/8/2020 (3 Months)

Work 100% (fulltime) during above-mentioned period

Duty Stations: N’Djamena, Gore, Maro, Haraze, South villages, Baga Sola camp and villages (Approximately 2 weeks in N’Djamena and 10 weeks in the field.)


In early 2003, when armed conflict began in the Darfur region of Sudan and the Central African Republic, hundreds of thousands of refugees fled to Chad. UNHCR's April 2018 statistics show that Chad hosts 438,695 refugees, including 327,454 Sudanese, 101,426 Central Africans and 9,540 Nigerians, most of whom live in the 19 refugee camps.

In these 19 refugee camps, UNHCR, the Government, UN system agencies and NGO partners are working together to provide humanitarian assistance to refugees who are largely dependent on humanitarian assistance. Note that since 2013 the general distribution of food has decreased by 43% from the minimum 2100 Kcal / person / day.

UNHCR and its partners and UN agencies conduct SMART SENS nutrition surveys annually to assess the prevalence of malnutrition and anemia among children 6-59 months of age and women of childbearing age. The results of the surveys conducted in 2016 in the Central African refugee camps revealed prevalences of global acute malnutrition variable from one camp to another, 10 - 14% denoting an alarming situation in the camps of Doholo, 5-9% showing a concerning yet less alarming situation in the camps of Gondje, Dosseye, Amboko, and Moyo and finally <5% - an acceptable situation in the camps of Belom and Baga Sola.

It should also be noted that the same surveys reveal that anemia and stunting constitute a challenge for children aged 6 to 59 months, respectively, 54,6% for global anaemia and 38,4% for global stunting.

A nutritional causal analysis in these refugee camps was carried out in 2017, aimed at understanding the immediate and underlying causal pathways of malnutrition. During this study, several causative mechanisms responsible for malnutrition have been identified.

This survey will be coupled with a Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) exercise, which aims to follow the food security situation as well as the process of distributions and accountability to affected populations.

Overall purpose and Scope of Assignment

The purpose of the consultancy is: 1) To measure the prevalence of acute malnutrition in children aged 6-59 months; 2) To measure the prevalence of stunting in children aged 6-59 months; 3) To determine the coverage of measles vaccination among children aged 9-59 months; 4) To determine the coverage of vitamin A supplementation received during the last 6 months among children aged 6-59 months; 5) To measure the prevalence of anaemia in children aged 6-59 months and in non-pregnant women of reproductive age between 15-49 years; 6) Investigate IYCF practices among children aged 0-23 months; 7) To investigate household food security and household dietary diversity; 8) To determine the population’s access to, and use of, improved water, sanitation and hygiene facilities 9) to investigate household use of mosquito net.

The purpose of the PDM is: 1) monitor the management of the assets created by the community; 2) Monitor the implementation of assistance; 3) The compliance of the assistance implementation process, 4) Transparency, 5) Respect for gender and social protection, 6) Measure the effects / impacts of the intervention on the food security of beneficiary households, 7) analyze livelihoods (activity, source of income, expenses, etc.), 8) Assess household food consumption (FAS), 9) Coping mechanisms for lack of food (CSI) and other survival, 10) Participation in nutrition activities, 11) Acceptable levels of consumption and dietary diversity among women of reproductive age and children, satisfaction of beneficiaries.

The surveys will be conducted using Mobile Data Collection.

The consultant will ensure that

- Survey protocol, timeline, and sampling procedure is elaborated

- Appropriate survey personnel are recruited

- Sufficient training is given to the survey teams

- Standardisation tests are undertaken for measurers

- SENSv3 Questionnaires are adapted in collaboration with partners, and field tested

- Materials are tested for accuracy on a regular basis throughout the survey

- Quality of data collection and data entry is appropriate through proper supervision

- The data is analyzed according to the UNHCR SENS guidelines

- A nutrition survey report is produced according to the UNHCR SENS guidelines

- Raw Data is shared with UNHCR.

Level of responsibilities required

5 – 9 years of Experience

French speaking consultancy as all products will be produced in French

Monitoring and Progress Controls

The consultant will report on a regular basis to the UNHCR Nutrition Officer based in N’djamena, who has overall responsibility for the survey, in collaboration with the Senior Public Health Officer for Chad and the Senior Nutrition Officer in HQ-Geneva.

Trained surveyors on SMART methodology and using the SENS guidelines. Effective and efficient logistical arrangements in the field to conduct the survey - A weighted estimate of key variables for all camps combined (GAM, SAM, Stunting, anaemia).

Report checked against CRED completeness checklist - Final survey report including recommendations to address the situation according to SENSv3 guidelines - The findings and major recommendations presented to partners at the mission level (oral & ppt). Results of standardisation test, details of data cleaning and plausibility checks should be presented in the final report.

The final cleaned version and raw version of the data sets used to calculate the survey’s results is to be sent to the Public Health Section in UNHCR HQ and to Ndjamena Country Office

How to Apply

Please send an updated CV to – closing date 1st April 2020

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