MOZ-03 - TA to Develop Mozambique Nutrition Financial Tracking, Budgeting and Resource Mobilization Framework

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Overall objective

The overall objective of the TA is to support SETSAN establish a financing and budgeting mechanism that includes resource mobilization, tracking of allocation and expenditures in nutrition, aligned with the Government's Five Year Plan, PAMRDC, ESAN III and other sectoral policies, strategies and programs and the country’s administrative and financial procedures.

Specific objectives        

The specific objectives of the TA are as follows:

  1. Current budgeting system analyzed in relation to PAMRDC, ESAN III and overall multi-sectoral nutrition programmes; and strengths, weaknesses and gaps documented.
  2. Current  financing system analyzed in relation to PAMRDC, ESAN III and other relevant policies and strategies.
  3. Overall multi-sectoral nutrition programmes; and strengths, weaknesses and gaps documented
  4. Develop comprehensive financing and budgeting framework to include resource mobilization and tracking of allocation and expenditures in nutrition. 
  5. Develop a TOT training package for the training of MEF and sectors on the financing and budgeting framework sectors
  6. Develop a training package for local level administrative units and personnel for the adoption of financing and budgeting framework

Duty Station/Location

The Lead Consultant and team will be based at SETSAN for activities that require physical presence e.g stakeholder consultations and workshops. Travel to provincial level is expected. They can work from home when not travelling to the provincial level or presence at SETSAN is not required.

All travels required under this consultancy will be provided for by Nutrition International. Travel allowances maximums are based on standard rates of the organization.


This TA support would be for a period of 10 months, from August 2019 to May 2020. Specific Level of Effort (LoE) will be agreed upon in consultation with NI and SETSAN.

Profile/qualifications of consultant

Lead Consultant

  • Post-graduate or doctoral-level qualifications the following fields; Finance, Planning, Economics, Public Health and Applied Sciences or related areas. 
  • A minimum of 10 years’ experience in the field of development sector including consultancy work with the Government and development partners in nutrition, health, food security or related fields.
  • Excellent knowledge of Mozambique health, food security and nutrition landscape and programmes.
  • Specific experience in costing, budgeting, tracking expenditures and resource mobilization and multi-sectoral engagement in nutrition related areas.
  • Experience of providing strategic policy advice to national and sub-national governments.
  • Experience in program design and M&E in combination with specialized experience in food security, health or nutrition will be added advantage.
  • Experience in working with multi-stakeholder platforms and processes, or other complex collaboration platforms across sectors, including health, water, education and agriculture
  • Experience in coordinating and managing a team of subject matter experts.
  • Excellent communication, analytical and writing skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver quality results within tight and/or frequently changing deadlines.

Other Consultants

  • At least 5-10 years of experience in planning, design, M&E, costing and tracking of nutrition, food security, health and other related programs
  • Excellent knowledge of Mozambique food security and nutrition landscape and programmes.
  • Experience in working with multi-stakeholder platforms and processes, or other complex collaboration and partner management platforms across sectors, including health and agriculture
  • Experience in coordination and partnership management.
  • Experience in building capacity of government and partner staff in areas of financial tracking and resource mobilization
  • Excellent communication, analytical and writing skills
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver quality results within tight and/or frequently changing deadlines
  • Experience developing capacity building materials and processes, and delivering associated activities.

Language Skills

Fluency in written and spoken Portuguese and English is mandatory

Applicants may consider a team of both national and international consultants

Application Process

Proposals should be submitted by email to before close of business, 13 July 2019, 1700 EST (Ottawa, Canada). Only complete applications will be reviewed.

  • Up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Technical proposal: not exceeding five pages, describing the consultant’s understanding of the task, proposed methodology, responsibilities of key stakeholders and detailed work plan that breaks down activities and outputs.
  • Financial proposal: including daily fee rate, suggested number of trips/days in-country and any other expenses required to fulfill the terms of the consultancy (field trips, meetings, materials, etc.).

NI is committed gender equality. Consultants are required to indicate how they will ensure that gender equality considerations are included in the provision of technical assistance.

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