As a United Nations agency reaching more than 70 million vulnerable and food-insecure people each year, WFP plays a critical role in multi-stakeholder efforts to overcome malnutrition. Every year we reach millions of nutritionally vulnerable women and children in need. In 2017 alone, WFP treated 8.4 million children 6-59 m and pregnant and lactating women (PLW) suffering moderate acute malnutrition (MAM). WFP also provided nutrition support to another 5.7 million children and PLW in programs to prevent acute malnutrition. Our direct support saves lives and leads to stronger, healthier, and more fulfilling futures free from the devastating and far reaching effects of malnutrition.
SDG2 aims to end by 2030 all forms of malnutrition, including wasting, stunting, overweight and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Childhood malnutrition is a major global development problem, contributing to increased mortality, morbidity, impaired intellectual development, increased risk of disease in adulthood and suboptimal adult work and earning capacity. It is estimated that currently 51 million children under the age of 5 (U5), or roughly 7.5%, suffer from wasting. This value is down negligibly from 7.8% in 2012. A substantial increase in effort is therefore needed. The Nutrition Division is focusing on multiple mechanisms for the best nutrition response, resilience, and action to respond to this challenge. WFP must perform at the highest of standards with smart strategic decisions for cost-effective responses to treat malnutrition while also addressing underlying and persistent vulnerabilities to prevent suffering and malnutrition when possible.
WFP is well positioned to leverage the increased global momentum to address childhood malnutrition. WFP will use new evidence, knowledge, and innovation for practical solutions for nutrition program implementation, especially aligned with a stronger focus to prevention of acute malnutrition to reduce the number of those effected so that treatment caseloads are manageable.
This assignment will support the Nutrition Division by providing operational support to CMAM activities across the organization. The consultant will work on a team to lead improvements in programming guidance and standards for WFP programming in acute malnutrition based on recent evidence, and work with Regional Nutrition Advisors and nutrition officers to troubleshoot challenges. The consultant will spend a significant amount of time traveling to high priority countries to support improving operations to address acute malnutrition. The consultant will leverage lessons learned, as well as, experience and expertise for training in improved acute malnutrition programming.
1. Provide nutrition technical advice and guidance to field offices in acute malnutrition:
a) Visiting field programmes implementing CMAM and innovative programming in acute malnutrition to understand challenges/constraints and to offer support for troubleshooting to assure quick programme enhancements.
b) Writing CMAM guidance and standards for field officers implementing WFP programming addressing acute malnutrition.
c) Defining training to WFP field staff on WFP quality standards for treatment and prevention.
d) Providing technical expertise to knowledge management (KM) team for building diverse and innovative trainings in acute malnutrition to disseminate the guidance defined in a,b, and c;
e) Informing other trainings that include a component related to acute malnutrition such as emergency preparedness training (in close collaboration with Nutrition in Emergency team).
2. In collaboration with others in the Nutrition Division support the roll out of innovative solutions for addressing acute malnutrition particularly novel combined, simplified protocols.
a) Provide technical support to priority countries to implement a combined, simplified protocol.
b) In collaboration with other CMAM specialist, write guidance and develop other tools to support country offices to implement combined, simplified protocols.
c) Support resource mobilization for efforts to roll out combined, simplified protocols for priority countries.
d) Support data collection protocol development to ensure impact and lessons are captured from roll out programming in priority countries.
e) Support knowledge management to disseminate WFP experiences in combined, simplified protocols.
3. Understanding that one of the major barriers to support for the treatment and prevention of acute malnutrition is the lack of evidence on what works best to cost-effectively address MAM and recognizing that to produce robust evidence there needs to be solid programming with strong M&E coming from operations, the consultant will both contribute to improved WFP programmes and build evidence through:
a) Providing technical reports of emerging evidence in acute malnutrition to improve WFP programing.
b) Providing technical expert advice for technical protocols and M&E activities in acute malnutrition programming.
c) Supporting operations research activities in acute malnutrition.
4. Inform WFP future strategic direction in acute malnutrition through field learnings, participation in international platforms, and coordination work with partners and academics.
5. Support the Nutrition-Specific Unit work plan with other activities
1. CMAM programming guidance for WFP operations written, tested, finalized, and disseminated.
2. Support provided in the field to at least 4 priority operations and trip reports submitted.
3. Characteristics of a WFP “gold star” program (‘standards’) for traditional CMAM activities for WFP written, tested, finalized, and disseminated.
4. Relevant learning tools for acute malnutrition programming developed/adapted and launched.
5. Annual report on WFP treatment and prevention programming results with M&E findings written with support from consultant.
6. Recognition of WFP role and expertise in CMAM highlighted through articles/technical briefs or documents written with partners.
Advanced degree in nutrition, international development or related field.
Experience in the design, implementation, and management of acute malnutrition programs in different settings required.
Experience working in emergency nutrition programming including programme monitoring, survey and assessment required.
Experience working in CMAM programming required.
Experience working in emergency context in the field required.
Experience working in a UN agency or cooperating partner in the field required.
Experience working with government as well as a wide range of partners in the nutrition response to acute malnutrition required.
Knowledge & Skills:
Knowledge of issues, challenges, and response options for acute malnutrition required.
Knowledge of challenges in implementing CMAM and current topics around improving the model required.
Knowledge of global nutrition architecture required.
Good interpersonal skills and demonstrated ability to work in multicultural setting.
Attention to detail.
Excellent written and oral communication skills required
Fluency in English required. Working knowledge of another UN language or Portuguese desirable.

Position open for 11 months as consultant. Deadline for application: 12th May. Write to

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