Welthungerhilfe (www.welthungerhilfe.de) is one of the large and respected private organisations in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid in Germany. It carries out projects in 39 countries and campaigns for fairer cooperation with developing countries. If you are prepared to dedicate yourself to carrying out projects under sometimes difficult conditions and you match the requirements set out below, we look forward to receiving your application for the position of

Regional Nutrition Advisor Asia (m/f)

in Asia

The position is to be filled as soon as possible, with an initial contract duration of two years. There are good prospects for an extension. The place of work will be either in Tajikistan, Nepal or Myanmar (still to be determined). Taking the security situation into account, travel for work will be required.

The Regional Nutrition Advisor conducts activities to shape Welthungerhilfe's profile in the nutrition sector in Asia as defined in WHH´s global strategy. S/he is responsible to facilitate country teams in Asia to keep Welthungerhilfe's sector related knowledge and positions up to date in the relevant country specific approaches. The Nutrition Advisor will represent Welthungerhilfe in the regional nutrition community and is responsible to increase visibility in the international nutrition community.

The aim of the position is to ensure
•Service-oriented programme and project support through capacity building, consultancy services and backstopping regarding nutrition related subject matters, methods and instruments
•development, promotion and maintenance of subject specific guidelines and minimum requirements for programmes and projects in the region Asia and
•sector-knowledge, innovation and good practice management with the objective of promoting high project and programme quality

Your responsibilities

•Enhance WHH positioning on sector level and support WHH positioning on country level: Support the operationalization of WHH´s nutrition strategy (in-country support of country/project offices)
•Provide technical assistance to Welthungerhilfe country programmes in Asia for the development of regional and country specific strategies, programme and project planning which improve impact on nutrition
•Facilitate and support capacity development for country and project offices: Organize workshops and trainings to build staff knowledge and capacity on nutrition within WHH country teams in the region
•Liaise with relevant external regional stakeholders including donors, learning institutes, networks, UN and NGO representatives to identify opportunities, synergies and partnerships for WHH nutrition programming in the region
•Facilitate and promote sector relevant horizontal exchange (Asia and beyond): Facilitate regular learning exchange on nutrition between WHH programme staff in the region
•Provide technical assistance, support proposal development, implementation and evaluation in cooperation with the MEAL-Team
•Support WHH country programmes in the region to secure funding for nutrition programmes (private and institutional donors), coordinating with donor technical experts and support to developing high quality proposals

Your profile

•Masters (MSc) in Nutrition/Public Health /Nutrition in developing Countries
•5 years experience working in nutrition programs in developing countries ideally in Asia
•Field experience in the prevention of malnutrition and a strong understanding of nutrition sensitive programming
•Familiar with methodologies for conducting a contextual analysis or scoping assessment on nutrition and nutrition surveys (SMART, KAP, LINK, NCA)
•Strong understanding of nutrition-related M&E systems
•Field experience in nutrition related social behavior change programs
•Direct programming or/and policy development experience on the integration of nutrition into at least one of the following: agriculture, water and sanitation, livelihoods
•Excellent inter-personal, communications and facilitation skills
•Familiar with global and regional food security and nutrition networks (preferable in Asia)
•Skills in training and mentoring
•Ability to work within multi-cultural teams
•Ability to organize and manage own work
•Flexibility and ability to work under pressure
•Proficiency in English, both spoken and written

•Based in one of the nutrition hub countries (Tajikistan, Nepal, Myanamar)
•Field experience in emergency response or post-conflict setting
•Experience working in community based management of malnutrition (CMAM)
•Experience of representation in national, regional or global nutrition networks
•Experience with operational research and peer-review writing
•Proficiency in German

Our offer

We offer you co-operation in a highly dedicated team and a responsible scope of tasks. Of course, a comprehensive training is also part of our offer.

Please send your application via our online recruiting system by November 5th, 2018
Regional Nutrition Advisor (m/f) Asia



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