Purpose of the Assignment:

The IYCF-E Specialist will support the collective response in operationalization of the IYCF-E Response Strategy for Nutrition Sector. Under the Supervision of the Nutrition Sector Coordinator and the IYCF consultant will support sector partners to deliver quality and timely Infant & Young Child feeding (IYCF) interventions in Emergencies among the Rohingya Refugees in Cox Bazaar, Bangladesh. The incumbent will work together, guide and lead both national and international IYCF experts within the sector to support the IYCF-E response. He/she will identify existing gaps and bottlenecks in IYCF-E Interventions through surveys and assessments and subsequently support partners to aptly design and implement context specific interventions to improve IYCF service delivery. The expert will design a comprehensive training plan for all relevant staff at all levels and lead and supervise its implementation. In addition, on-the-job training, coaching staff rotation between facilities and other peer to peer support will play an important role in this system’s approach to strengthen IYCF services in a sustainable manner. The incumbent will provide technical guidance and management support throughout the programming process to facilitate the administration and achievement of concrete and sustainable results in maternal, infant and child nutrition programs/projects according to national guidelines and strategies as well as global IYCF-E guidelines

How can you make a difference?

Activities and Tasks

1. Assessment and Analysis of IYCF Response and IYCF in Programme Design

Lead and conduct an in-depth IYCF assessment both in Registered and make shift camps to among other areas; identify gaps and bottlenecks on optimum IYCF uptake and assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of the current IYCF response strategy.
Lead the validation of IYCF assessment findings and develop plan of action to address identified gaps.
Advocate for the inclusion of IYCF-E indicators in multi-sectorial rapid assessements through engagement with variouse sectors such as child proteciton, food security, WASH and Health.

2. Capacity Building and Technical Support

Lead the IYCF TWG develop a strategy supporting comprehensive harmonized IYCF delivery of interventions across all nutrition partners and ensure roll out and uptake of the developed tools at field level.

Based on results of the gap analysis and in collaboration with Nutrition Sector Coordination Team (NSCT) and Civil Surgeon Office, develop a training plan and capacity building strategies to encompass formal IYCF trainings, on job mentoring, peer to peer learning at field level and supportive supervision to all IYCF Implementing partners.

Lead the IYCF TWG to ensure effective coordination of IYCF activities including following up with partners to ensure recommended actions are implemented at field level.

Provide guidance to partners to mitigate risks associated with BMS donations including the advice on preventive and monitoring actions as well as reporting on BMS code violations. Liaising with civil surgeon office to ensure appropriate use or disposal of confiscated BMS.

Develop guidance note for partners to inform appropriate integration of IYCF interventions with other sectors particularly Health, Child Protection, WASH, Security as well as Communication with Communities (CiC).

3. Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

Review and continually update the sector emergency preparedness and response plan agreed IYCF-E preparedness and response actions to ensure sustained protection and promotion of IYCF during emergencies.

Support the development of online tools to facilitate comprehensive IYCF-E capacity mapping and as well as enhancing robust surveillance mechanism to monitor and evaluate progress of IYCF program implementation.

Support knowledge capitalization and undertake documenation of lessons leant and best practices in the Rohingya IYCF response to be shared with partners, key stakeholders and donors.

Support Sector Partners to use the developed data collection tools to generate and submit timely and high quality IYCF programme reports

4. Coordination, Advocacy and Networking

In collaboration with the sector IMO support the mapping of IYCF interventions in the Rohingya response to prevent duplication of services, ensure optimum coverage and contribute to strengthening IYCF referral pathways.

Undertake advocacy with key stakeholders (Government, UN agencies, NGOs, donors, academic institution to prioritize IYCF as a key intervention that contributes to the sustainable development.

Represent nutrition sector in various sector coordination forums and advocate for IYCF sensitive interventions.

Work closely with Communication for Development (C4D) section and communication with communities on identification of challenges hindering appropriate IYCF uptake to inform the IYCF project implementation Strategy and activities .


Inception Report and Detailed work plan
IYCF-E In- depth Assessment and bottleneck analysis Report with action plan to tackle identified gaps.
IYCF partners training and mentoring reports.
Multi-sectorial rapid assessment tools with IYCF
Guidance note on appropriate integration of IYCF interventions with other sectors
Updated Capacity Mapping Database, Nutrition sector Training Plan Partner Technical Support Strategy Document
Harmonized IYCF Interventions and Packages, Functional and effective IYCF TWG
Developed IYCF M and E Reporting Framework including Weekly and monthly IYCF reporting templates
Strengthened BMS Code monitoring
Finalized Nutrition sector IYCF-E Response Strategy.
Emergency preparedness and response plan with IYCF indicators.
Online IYCF Surveillance System, Joint Multi-sectorial rapid assessment tools with IYCF Indicators Repertory of Maps with IYCF service points.
To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…

Knowledge/Expertise/Skills required:

Advanced degree in Human Nutrition, in Public Health or any other related field
At least five years of relevant and substantial experience in Nutrition in Emergency programmes, Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) programming with emphasis on Infant Feeding in Emergency (IFE).
Experience in policies and legislations on the code of marketing of Breast Milk Substitute (BMS).
Experience in programme communications (C4D) around issues such as breast feeding promotions and IYFC/IFE programming at large.
Extensive knowledge and understanding of Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices, the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes and the Operational Guidance on IYCF-E and Sphere.
Experience in developing, implementing and conducting trainings in IYCF-E programmes
Strong communications skills and the ability to work effectively with a range of stakeholders, including nutrition clusters, partners and Ministry of Health
Highly developed writing skills
Ability to analyses diverse information and develop recommendations for an appropriate capacity-building plan
Demonstrated capacity in delivering high quality training
Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English

For every Child, you demonstrate… UNICEF’s core values of Commitment, Diversity and Integrity and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results.


Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.

Duration: 9 Months.

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