Consultant – Research Analyst
Terms of Reference

The Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition (SISN), is a professional and scientific society founded on the vision of “a world where actions to improve nutrition are designed and implemented with the best available scientific knowledge and practical experience.” SISN’s mission is to convene, advocate, disseminate and promote dialogue among researchers, policy leaders, government officials, funders and practitioners to advance the science and practice of nutrition implementation and includes members from all these stakeholder categories.
The Society is seeking a young professional consultant to support research, analysis, and writing. The work is organized as a set of discrete deliverables (outlined in the Terms of Reference here:

Qualifications and skills
• PhD degree, achieved or in process, and formal training in nutrition or health or public health
• Excellent writing skills and capacity to conduct complex analyses, including analysis of published materials in various forms.
• Proficient with PubMed, Google Scholar/web search, and use of MESH terms for systematic searches
• Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and spreadsheets (or equivalents)
• Familiarity with implementation science research methods and theories
• Excellent organizational skills to deliver quality products under tight deadlines
• Personal characteristics: attention to detail, ability to work independently, proactive, self-motivated

In addition to the qualifications and skills outlined above, the Society is seeking an individual who is passionate about improving the delivery of nutrition actions worldwide.

Work schedule & reporting structure
The consultant will be home-based and would be expected to work, on average, 15-20 hours per week for 11 months. The consultant will report on a quarterly basis to a SISN Communication Working group or the Methods Working group. H/She will liaise with the Secretariat for administrative issues and for any dissemination of his/her work on SISN digital platforms.

Interested applicants should send their resume and cover letter to by September 7th, subject line: Consultant – Research Analyst

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