Created in 1979, Action contre la Faim is a non-governmental organization that fights against hunger. Its charter of humanitarian principals- independence, neutrality, non-discrimination, free and direct access to victims, professionalism, transparency - has been part of its identity for more than 35 years. Its mission is to save lives by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection and treatment of under-nutrition, particularly during and after emergency situations linked to conflicts or natural disasters. Action contre la Faim focuses its actions on 5 main areas of expertise: Nutrition and Health – Mental Health and Care Practices - Food Security and Livelihoods – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene – Advocacy. In 2016, Action contre la Faim provided aid to 14.7 million people in more than 49 countries worldwide.

We are looking for:

Context: Since the conflict between Al Houthi and the Saudi-led coalition that started in March 2015, Yemen has become one of the three emergency in the world and is thus facing one of the worst humanitarian crisis, with 80 % of the population who is now in need of humanitarian aid. The context is highly challenging in regards to access to the communities despite significant needs in the country. Airstrike, embargo, high prices, etc have caused a profound deterioration of the nutitritional situation and hundreds of thousands lives are at risk.

Presentation of the mission:
Since 2012, ACF has been present in Yemen and has been scaling up its emergency intervention substantially throughout 2016. The mission is now amongst one of the largest International NGOs in the country and is recognized as one of the key emergency actors in the country. ACF in Yemen is responding to the current crisis using a multisector emergency approach (Nutrition & Health, Food Security, WASH and Mental Health programming), and to a multiple large-scale and interconnected emergencies: conflict, food security and cholera epidemic. Along with UNICEF, ACF designed and is piloting the country’s first Rapid Response Mechanism, and is representative of the INGO community on the HCT, ICCM, Access Working Group, the HPF Advisory Board, and on the Steering Committee, that manages evacuation for the humanitarian community.

Country: YEMEN - Sanaa

Length of Contract: 12 Months starting as soon as possible

The Position: The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) encourages a clearly defined, agreed and supported sharing of leadership with NGOs for effective and efficient cluster management by increasing capacity. You will add value to clusters as strategic partners in coordination and decision-making by strengthening NGO participation, providing diversity in management, facilitation, technical and programming expertise and geographical access, promoting inclusive cluster priorities and approaches, and facilitating outreach and advocacy.

The purpose of your position will be to support and strengthen the coordination and performance of clusters and add value of NGO co-coordination by complementing the expertise, experience, capacity, competencies and skills of the coordinator and the lead agency.

You will work together with the Lead Agency and Cluster Coordinator to ensure the effective management of the respective cluster. It will be your joint task to mobilize partners and ensure coherence in the implementation of the cluster strategy and work plans. You will as well work alongside the cluster coordinator on the day-today facilitation and coordination of the work of the cluster, with a shared responsibility for effective and efficient implementations of the cluster core functions. More precisely, you will be in charge to:

Support service delivery
• Providing a platform that ensures service delivery that is driven by the Humanitarian Response Plan and strategic priorities
• Developing mechanisms to eliminate duplication of service delivery

Inform The HC/HCT’s strategic decision-making
• Preparing needs assessments and analysis of gaps (across and within clusters, using information management tools as needed) to inform the setting of priorities
• Identifying and finding solutions for (emerging) gaps, obstacles, duplication and cross-cutting issues
• Formulating priorities on the basis of analysis

Plan and implement cluster strategies
• Developing sectoral plans, objectives and indicators that directly support realization of the overall response’s strategic objectives
• Applying and adhering to common standards and guidelines
• Clarifying funding requirements, helping to set priorities, and agreeing cluster contributions to the HC’s overall humanitarian funding proposals

Monitor and evaluate performance
• Monitoring and reporting on activities and needs
• Measuring progress against the cluster strategy and agreed results
• Recommending corrective action where necessary

Build national capacity in preparedness and contingency planning

Support Advocacy
• Identifying concerns and contributing key information to HC and HCT messaging and action
• Undertaking advocacy on behalf of the cluster, cluster members and affected people

The Applicant: You hold an advanced university degree in nutrition, public health or a related technical field. You have 5 years of experience with progressively responsible work, at national or international level, and at least an experience working in conflict affected insecure locations. You have also a technical competence in the cluster area.

You have a solid experience in representation and liaison with different partners (local authorities, UN agencies, INGO/NGO), and an understanding of HPC, CERF, CBPF and Flash Appeal processes.

You have as well strong analytical, strategic planning and drafting skills, as well as facilitation and information sharing skills. Recognized for your networking skills, you have excellent communication skills.

Your English (written and spoken) is fluent.

Status: Employee

Contract: 12 Months fixed term contract under french legislation

Remuneration and benefits:
• Monthly gross salary from €1805 to €2305 upon experience.
• Per diem and living allowance: 630 dollars net, field paid.
• + 12 % of monthly gross salary as country allowance.
• + 16% of monthly gross salary as reimbursement of retirement insurance for non-French citizen.
• + Child allowance, limited to 5 children.

Transportation and accommodation:
• Coverage of transportation costs to and in the mission.
• Individual room in guesthouse covered

Medical coverage: 100% coverage of medical expenses + repatriation insurance.

Leaves and RnR:
• 25 days of paid leaves per year.
• + 20 RnR per year.
• + 215 € at each RnR period (averagely every 8 weeks).
• Coverage of the transportation expenses to the RnR area of reference.

Training :
• Free and unlimited access to the certifying e-learning platform Crossknowledge ©.
• Technical trainings at HQ or regional level (averagely 1 per year).
• Intermission Workshop once a year.

Security, working and living conditions:
Sanaa has a cold semi-arid climate. Due to its high elevation, the temperatures are much more moderate than many other cities on the Arabian Peninsula. In Sana’a, the expatriates live in a shared guest house (located next to the office), with electricity and internet. The amount of perdiem & living allowances is enough to live well in Sana’a, and the security restrictions don’t give much opportunity to spend it there. Despite the current calm atmosphere in Sana’a, the security situation remains very volatile and the expatriates are not allowed to go to restaurants/coffee. Once a week the expatriates are allowed to go to the supermarket, and they are allowed to go in the others NGO’s guesthouses. To balance with those movements/leisure restrictions, expatriates have a pool table and a ping-pong table at their disposition in the basement of the guesthouse. In bonus, if you’re a food lover, you will find our amazing Chef Ahmad and his delicous plates.

To know more about Yemen:
The Action contre la Faim’s website where you can find further information:

Our videos on our YouTube Channel:

To apply, please visit our website:

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