Consultancy to Assess the Barriers and Enablers for Access to the Cash Transfer and SBCC Interventions in the CDGP Programme in Northern Nigeria

The purpose of this consultancy is to provide an in-depth analysis on the current levels of coverage of the eligible beneficiaries to the CDGP programme (both cash transfers and SBCC for nutrition outcomes) and a review of the effectiveness of the various communication channels used in the SBCC interventions. The study will also provide recommendations for any adaptations that are needed in the communication channels that are currently being utilised by the SBCC approach.
Specific Objectives
Part 1
• To understand access to CDGP programme overall by assessing the extent of exclusion and characteristics of excluded groups as well as the barriers to access
• To provide practical recommendations on how to address these barriers in CDGP and learning for implementation of other cash transfer programmes that aim to reach women in Northern Nigeria
Part 2
• To assess access to specific programme components, with specific focus on SBCC activities;
• To provide recommendations on how to improve the reach and effectiveness of SBCC activities within CDGP and learning for implementation of other cash transfer and nutrition services to reach women in Northern Nigeria
• To understand any barriers to accessing cash payments as relevant and provide recommendations on how to address these barriers

If you are interested in the study, Please Apply here before the 24 November 2017

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