REPORTS TO: Global Nutrition Advisor
Duration: 6 months

Summary of Role:

As part of a team of technical support nutritionists, the roving nutrition advisor will split their role between three key areas:
Provide GOAL with a technical resource to support the implementation of GOAL’s nutrition strategy and approaches within countries of operation, to improve program quality, efficiency and impact. They will also help to provide direction, support and oversight for the nutrition aspects of GOAL’s emergency and recovery programs, plus any research based objectives, to ensure interventions effectively address nutrition needs. The nutrition advisor will support development of policy, review proposals, draw up and review guidelines, support recruitment of in-country nutrition staff and provide ongoing support with regular reviews of in-country progress.
Provide technical oversight and guidance to the NIPP Global Program Manager (GPM) in their role to provide remote and roving technical coordination and support to NIPP implementing programmes. The advisor will oversee the NIPP GPM’s work regarding remote and in-country assistance, any developments in MEAL tools, country and global data analysis and supervise planned research and evaluation of the NIPP approach.
Provide technical oversight and guidance for country based operational research and implementation of pilots. The advisor will support countries in identifying areas of research and/or pilots that would help advance organisational understanding of the context, needs and/or methods of working to maximise outcomes.
It is anticipated that around 40% of this role will be field based, with the remaining time in the Ireland.

Summary of Duties (under the guidance of the Global Nutrition Advisor):

During the project development phase, work collaboratively with country program staff and other members of GOAL’s technical team, to ensure multi-sectoral program planning is effectively conducted including the promotion of integrated standardised monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks, to improve quality, efficiency and impact of GOAL’s initiatives.
During the implementation phase, help to improve the quality of overseas nutrition programming to meet internationally acceptable high standards. This should include the planning and execution of intended activities, the achievement of proposed objectives, the application of effective budget management and the accomplishment of quality monitoring, evaluation & learning (MEAL) linked to the associated design of project modifications in light of lessons learned.
Ensure country programs are fully conversant with GOAL’s Nutrition Sector Strategy and are assessed against the ’10 Key Principles of Nutrition Programming with Associated Indicators’.
Actively promote generalised lesson learning and adaptation of new approaches to further enhance project delivery.
Provide technical oversight and guidance to the NIPP Global Program Manager (GPM), to ensure a high quality of programming, MEAL and research is carried out in line with outlined plans.
Provide technical support and oversight of nutrition programme research activities, ensuring GOAL’s nutrition programming continues to be developed on sound evidence base and contributes to the overall nutrition research landscape.
Key Responsibilities - Working with GOALs nutrition advisory team:

Monitor FEWS NET, VAM reports and other early warning systems and share pertinent information.
Participate in, or review reports on, emergency assessments and help to advise on whether GOAL’s response should include nutrition.
Stay abreast of current good practice and ensure this informs GOAL’s own thinking and programming.
Recommend guidance documents and program tools on policy and program issues related to nutrition, in lieu of discussions with the Global Nutrition Advisor.
In coordination with the Global Nutrition Advisor, desk officers and GOALs Health, HIV/AIDS, Livelihoods, Water & Sanitation-Hygiene (WASH) and Child Survival Empowerment and Protection advisors, maintain an overview of global emergency/development programming and advise on nutrition inclusions where appropriate to encourage effective integrated and cohesive programming.
Ensure a high degree of interaction with the NIPP GPM, staying abreast of all key programmatic developments and planned research and evaluation activities. Provide technical assistance or guidance when necessary, including during the proposal development phase, for general technical oversight of existing projects, to provide assurances of quality control, and ensure the integration plus utilisation of appropriate MEAL activities/findings.
Periodically review the NIPP master database tracker and review achievements, problems/solutions with the NIPP GPM.
Support the NIPP GPM with any new countries wishing to integrate the NIPP project into their wider country programs, including planning, training and any start-up support required.
Work with the NIPP GPM and the Global Nutrition Advisor to agree on pertinent updates to NIPP guidelines, supporting documents, MEAL plans and the database.
With the NIPP GPM, periodically review opportunities and continue to strive to raise the profile of the NIPP approach at national and international level.
Support opportunities for cross country learning, regarding both NIPP and other nutrition program activities.
Provide support to head office desk officers (DO) and business development unit (BDU) in developing and managing relevant projects, building the capacity and experience of DOs/BDU in nutrition work.
Participate in setting up of emergency nutrition programmes as required and provide initial support until replacement expatriate or national nutritionists can be recruited, for potential periods of up to 1 month.
Represent GOAL in external sectorial networks (as appropriate) – facilitate the exchange of technical information and identify opportunities for cooperative work and joint ventures with other agencies.
Support GOAL management in maintaining effective collaboration with donors and specifically build relationships with nutrition focal points within donor organisations, including assisting in proposal development.

In-country and follow-up support:

Regular field visits to review and report on nutrition program progress, specifically in relation to their efficiency and effectiveness and determine any future program recommendations. Field visits and annual work plan will be planned and agreed with the Global Nutrition advisor, Head of Programs and Operations manager.
Undertake project evaluations as necessary – identifying achievements and lessons learned from the projects and disseminate for use in future programming.
Liaise regularly with field teams to ensure that recommendations are followed up and executed according to suggested timeframes as per the Recommendations Tracker.
Provide on-going technical assistance on nutrition issues to Country Programs ensuring continuity and consistency of support throughout the project cycle. Technical assistance activities will include review of survey results, proposals and reports, input in conjunction with the Global nutrition advisor into strategic planning, and strengthening of program design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation.
Support the recruitment and briefing of nutrition technical staff.
As and when necessary provide initial or refresher trainings for in-country nutrition staff to improve technical capacity across projects and within the organisation and thus ensure a quality level of service delivery is provided throughout the project cycle.
Plan and oversee in-country visits conducted by the NIPP GPM.
Requirements: (educational, language, etc.)

B.Sc./M.Sc. or equivalent in Public Health Nutrition / Global Nutrition or related degree
Minimum 3 (three) years practical field experience in nutrition programmes including some experience of humanitarian assistance
Experience with operational and/or academic research, design, planning and execution
Strong database management and software skills
Strong communication skills and ability to work with multi-disciplinary teams
Experience organising and managing nutrition assessments
Clear understanding of pertinent development and relief issues
Experience and skills in staff training and management
Assessment, analytical and planning skills
Proficient in preparation of proposals, reports and budgets, with good writing, communication and computer skills
Familiarity with dealing with donor and government offices in relation to development programs
Appreciation of the aims and objectives of GOAL
Assessment, analytical and planning skills
Fluent in written and spoken English, with Spanish/French considered a non-essential but beneficial skills
Experience in field research (desirable)
Willingness to travel extensively
Our package includes a competitive salary, shared accommodation, health and travel insurance and paid annual leave. Additional benefits are available after 12 months of service. Salary range for this role is € 31,500- 43,000 plus additional per diem suppliment when travelling

Apply here:

GOAL has a Staff Code of Conduct and a Child Protection Policy, which have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants and children from exploitation. GOAL also has a confidentiality policy ensuring the non-disclosure of any information whatsoever relating to the practices and business of GOAL, acquired in the course of duty, to any other person or organisation without authority, except in the normal execution of duty. Any candidate offered a job with GOAL will be expected to adhere to these policies any job offer made is also subject to police clearance. GOAL is an equal opportunities employer.

This Job Description only serves as a guide for the position available. GOAL reserves the right to change this document. Any published closing dates are estimated. Due to the nature of GOAL’s work we aim to fill vacancies as quickly as possible. This means that we will close adverts as soon as we have found the right candidate and this may be before the published closing date. We would therefore advise interested applicants to submit an application as early as possible.

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