Save the Children is hiring an Emergency Nutrition Senior Specialist. The individual will serve as a critical member for Save the Children in promoting high quality emergency nutrition programming globally. To this end, the Emergency Nutrition Senior Specialist will serve as an emergency responder and nutrition backstop in emergencies globally. The Senior Specialist will provide country-facing, program quality oversight throughout the program cycle, provide technical leadership in program learning and innovation, mobilize resources, and support global and country level advocacy efforts. The Senior Specialist will work closely with Save the Children colleagues from both technical and emergency response departments. The Senior Specialist will coordinate and collaborate with Save the Children International’s emergency structures. This is a full-time position based in Washington, DC through March 2018 when funding will be reassessed.

Please visit the following link: Emergency Nutrition Senior Specialist Vacancy for a full position description and for more information on the application process. The application closes on Sept 5th but we encourage interested applicants to apply as soon as possible. We’ll be setting up interviews as strong applications are received.

Thank you!

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