ACF and WFP are seeking an external consultant on “Cash and Nutrition” in preparation for the R4NUT conference: November 14th, 2017 (1/2 day session)


Research uptake: a current challenge for the humanitarian stakeholders

Digesting appropriate information at the accurate time is one of the main challenges of our time: with the multiplication of platforms for communication and speed of data exchange, we are dealing with a larger amount of information than in the past. The professional landscape has been transformed in such a way that new capacities/profiles/material are now required for adequate and effective exchanges and communication. The humanitarian and research worlds are not spared: the introduction of new technologies and social media outlets/Web/Internet has modified ways of working, including the exchange and processing of information.

In parallel to this, the international community calls for more evidence-based humanitarian actions; after decades of interventions in emergencies settings, the need for a better integration of the latest available evidence in humanitarian programming is recognized . This is particularly relevant in the nutrition sector. Evidence generation is now increasing to identify effective and cost-effective nutrition specific and sensitive programming. Still, many questions remain to fill the gap between research and programming, including: How can evidence be applied to improve the quality of aid programming? How can researchers help to ensure that evidence is clearly and regularly available for operational stakeholders and policy-makers to digest and use? How can access to evidence be improved? How can evidence inform donors of areas/topics where financial efforts must be made? How can evidence support policy makers? How to ensure that research uptake becomes a key step for effective evidence-based nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive programming and policy making?

Testing new approaches

As part of the R4NUT scientific conference focusing on Nutrition Security , ACF and WFP suggest to organize a high-level workshop to present scientific evidence in a digestible way and define concrete actions on how to translate evidence into programmatic and/or policy action. One topic has been identified for this workshop: the impact of Cash on Nutrition. The topic will be covered as broadly as possible (i.e. no specific focus on conditional or unconditional cash, stunting, wasting, etc.). This workshop will be led by an experienced facilitator.

The goal of the workshop is to produce a position paper, endorsed by participants, including:
1. “What we know” - Key findings on Cash and Nutrition, as well as evidence gaps
2. “What should be done” - Recommendations prepared by a working group comprised of WFP and ACF staff, with a focus on operational impacts and policy implications
a. Workshop participants will adjust recommendations and/or add new recommendations as needed
3. “How can these recommendations be translated into programme and policy” - Brainstorming on optimizing use of research for evidence-based policy-making and programming

Additionally, participants will engage in an interactive discussion on “What steps need to be taken”, outlining a draft roadmap for taking recommendations forward.

Profile of attendees

The number of attendees must be limited to ensure dynamic exchanges and results (approximately 15).

Key participants have been identified from operational agencies, research institutes, and other stakeholders, including: WHO, UNICEF, World Bank, SUN, Save the Children, IFPRI, JHU, and ENN. It will also be crucial to have the participation of donors, the private sector, and government representatives from countries where research on cash and nutrition has been implemented.

Expected outputs of the workshop

* A position paper endorsed by all participants
* A draft roadmap of concrete steps required to achieve the agreed upon recommendations


The objective of the consultancy is to produce a single ready-to-use document, to be reviewed by the working group before the workshop.

Methodology to collect and synthetize available evidence (“What we know section”)

Prior to the workshop, current evidence around cash for nutrition will be collated and summarized into a single ready-to-use document, to be reviewed by a working group before the workshop. This document (not to exceed 10 pages) should collate evidence from the following recently published the reviews identified during the July 10 meeting:

1. Child Outcomes of Cash Transfer Programming – Save the Children, 2017
2. Cash transfers: what does the evidence say? – ODI, 2016
3. The Other Side of the Coin: The Comparative Evidence of Cash and In-Kind Transfers in Humanitarian Situations – World Bank, 2016
4. Cash-based approaches in humanitarian emergencies – 3ie, 2016
5. Cash Transfers and Child Nutrition: What We Know and What We Need to Know – UNICEF, 2015 6. REFANI Literature Review - 2015

The working group will be comprised of technical experts from WFP and ACG. The working group will determine potential recommendations for the application of available evidence to programming and policy based on the collation and summary of evidence for cash and nutrition. Sub-themes of particular interest, including the amount and duration of cash distributions, as well as “cash plus” approaches, can be used to frame the outcomes of the review and make evidence-based recommendations.


The consultant will be responsible for:
- The production of the literature review synthesis,
- The submission to the technical working group,
- The collection and review of the recommendations provided by the working group and integration of other feedback into the final document (not to exceed 10 pages),
- The presentation of the literature review during the workshop,
- The draft and integration of the feedback on the final joint statement.

The working group will define the structure and lay-out of the 10-pages ready-to-use document.


At the end of the consultancy, the following documents will be available:
- A 10-page document, which presents the results of the literature, endorsed by the working group (see Methodology)
- A position paper, mutually endorsed by meeting participants and ready for broader sharing, which will introduce:
o a concise summary of existing evidence around ‘cash and nutrition’
o the final working group’s recommendations based on the evidence


Number of days: 15 to 18 days
1. Collate and summarize key findings from existing reviews of cash and nutrition and submit to th working group by September 5th – 9-10 days ;
2. Review of the document by the working group by September 30th ;
3. Finalize the 10-pages document – October 15th 3-5 days ;
4. Presentation during the workshop to high level attendees - November 14th - 1 day ; 5. Draft and finalization of the position paper by November 30th – 2 days


Consultant – necessary qualifications / experience:
? Background in food aid, nutrition, public health, or similar. Knowledge of under-nutrition critical
? Master’s degree, PhD, post-Doc or proven experience in research 3/4
? Successful experience in literature reviews, research implementation & analyses
? Knowledge and experience in epidemiology/statistics/data entry/data analysis necessary
? Proven experience in writing research protocols, reports, scientific articles
? Humanitarian experience highly desirable
? Experience conducting research in developing countries and in difficult/insecure environments highly desirable

Applications should be sent to Myriam AIT-AISSA (, Magda HENNEBO ( and Mica JENKINS ( before August 9th , 2017. They should include a letter cover, a curriculum vitae and the number of days and daily rates required for the consultancy.

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