UNICEF, Pakistan with funding support from Department for International Development (DFID) and in collaboration with Ministry of National Health Services Regulation and Coordination, Pakistan is planning to conduct Cost of Diet (COD) analysis in 12 prioritized districts to determine the availability and affordability of nutritious diet. The COD will include market and dietary pattern surveys and focus group discussions with mothers and care takers of children under the age of two years. The main focus is on complementary feeding.

Tasks and objectives:
1.Provide inception report. The Inception report to include detailed methodology, assessment tools (quantitative and qualitative tools and field manual) and operational plan with timeline
2.Coordination with Technical subcommittee and Department of Health at provincial level to support the planning and implementation of COD including; data collection and analysis, review and endorsement of data collection tools
3.Provide expert support to the institute (will be hired for data collection in the field) during consultative meetings with the key stakeholders to gather the information on inflation, Pakistan economic status and other relevant information that contribute in calculation of cost of diet in selected districts of respective province;
4.Provide technical input for establishing a districts selection criteria/finalize district for COD analysis in consultation with technical subcommittee and provincial DoH.
5.Provide technical expert input during the development, translation and pretesting of questionnaire for market survey, dietary pattern survey and guideline for focus group discussions to collect information on food preferences/choices.
6.Support and facilitate the training to the team of Institute who will be taken on board to support data collection and analysis
7.Support the development data collection and quality assurance mechanism and share findings with relevant stakeholders for timely feedback and action
8.Provide technical guidance to determine sample size (qualitative and quantitative)
9.The International expert will technically supervise the data collection process, which will be conducted by the selected institute and it will includes; a.Market survey in selected districts
b.Dietary pattern survey in selected districts
c.Focus group discussions with mothers, care takers and community members in selected districts.

10.Data analysis on COD software.
11.Drafting key findings report and submission to Technical subcommittee for review
12.Drafting report and submission to Technical Sub Committee for final technical approval.
13.Finalization of report based on comments and technical approval from Technical Subcommittee.

Estimated Duration of Contract:

8 Months, starting August 2017


?A Advanced university degree in Public Health, International/Global Health, Nutrition disciplines or other relevant disciplines, with specialized training experience in nutrition and food security related surveys/ specifically on Cost of Diet analysis

?Demonstrable capacity and research experience of at least 10 years in surveys/assessment in the field of nutrition and food security
?Previous experience of conducting Cost of Diet analysis in Pakistan or similar setting
?Experience in conducting training to the survey team
?Experience in writing dietary analysis report

For detailed information and to apply, kindly find below link to the ad


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