The MAMI 2 project (Management of Acute Malnutrition in Infants < 6 months) is administering a survey. Would you take part? Infants < 6 months with acute malnutrition are often a neglected group. We urgently need more research to drive interventions for this age group, however, there are many potential research questions. We need to work out which research questions are the most important and the likeliest to translate into high impact interventions.If you have a background in nutrition, particularly in Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF), then your contributions via this survey will be extremely helpful. We are asking you to either complete either part one or part two of this survey (or both if you have time) by Tuesday 20th November. We estimate that it will take 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete one part. Those who participate will be recognised by being named on a group author list on the final paper. You will also be entered into a prize draw - 4 randomly selected respondents will win £50 worth of books/ goods from TALC (Teaching Aids at Low Cost) [url][/url] To randomly choose which part to complete, please flip a coin. Heads: part one, Tails: part two, then click on the appropriate link below: [url=]MAMI Survey Part One[/url] [url=]MAMI Survey Part Two[/url] Please contact us at if you need further assistance. Best wishes Marko Kerac (UCL), Marie McGrath (ENN) and Chloe Angood (ENN)
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