FANTA and FEWS NET have begun a research initiative, in collaboration with the IPC Global Support Unit, to investigate the relationship between several household food consumption indicators, including: food consumption score (FCS), household hunger scale score (HHS), household dietary diversity score (HDDS), household food insecurity access scale score (HFIAS), and coping strategies index (CSI). The goal of this study is to begin to better understand how these indicator measures relate to one another, as well as to broader food insecurity severity measures, such as the Integrated Acute Food Insecurity Phase Classification's Reference Table for Household Group Classification. We are writing in search of data sets that include at least two of the indicators listed above, that can be shared with us for analysis. If you have such datasets, please contact us for more information on specific criteria, as well as formatting and submission information, for the requested data. We understand that you yourself may not have direct access to this data within your institution. In these instances, we ask that if your institution has data available that meet the specified requirements, that you please refer us to those colleagues within your organization with whom it would be best to speak to further discuss accessing these data sets. Thanks you in advance for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you. Chris Hillbruner Decision Support Advisor Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) 202.955.6887 | Laura M. Glaeser Technical Officer, Early Warning and Response FANTA O: 202.884.8662
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