why not arrange the nutrition training in pakistan sindh now recently sindh was affected after heavy rainfall why does anyone not help there? Is there any upcoming nutrition in emergencies training planned for Sindh?
Dear Mahran Khan. DoH, UNICEF, WFP and WHO together with their implimenting organizations are actively engaged in capacity building of local health care personel and NGOs in Sindh since 2007. UNICEF responded to 2010 and 2011 floods by a huge CMAM programme which was also complimented by IYCF. Recently for the 2012 flood affected communities of North Sindh, we have already planned for expansion of our nutrition programme to most of the affected union councils of 3 most affected districts namely Jackobabad, Shikarpur and Kashmore. this is in addition to the already ongoing huge programme in most districts in South. Regarding NIE and CMAM trainings, UNICEF in its recent initiatives has already conducted 2 IYCF, 3 CMAM and 1 NIE ToTs. while 2 IYCF, 2 CMAM and 3 NIE ToTs are planned to be completed by the end of october 2012. These trainings will be followed by field level trainings in all districts. For more information you may contact DoH, Nutrition wing or UNICEF sindh office. Best regards
Dr Mohammad Najeeb


11 years ago
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