International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs. Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical and nutrition assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: International Medical Corps is currently implementing an emergency health care program for conflict affected IDPs and host population in eastern Chad. The program will also start a nutrition intervention in the Bol District of the Lake Region. The intervention will work to build resilience among Lake Region communities to reduce the impact of the Sahel food-insecurity situation. The nutrition intervention in Bol will be implemented through existing health systems and human resources. Therefore, the program will work to strengthen the capacity of the health district, focusing on human resources, both health care providers and CHWs in prevention, early detection, referral, care and treatment of acute malnutrition. To address the traditions and habits leading to higher vulnerability in the Lac Region, during OTP and SFP activities, the health workers will be promoting a core set of messages aimed to promote specific change in practices related to IYCF (breastfeeding messages, complementary feeding messages, feeding practices during illness, malnutrition prevention, identification and action) as well as hygiene. Trainings will be implemented for caretaker, CHW, CHV, Community Leaders, and religious leaders on best practices in relation with child malnutrition and necessity to refer to the right structures. JOB SUMMARY: The Bol Nutrition Manager will be responsible for the planning, implementation, monitoring, coordination, and supervision of the nutrition program in Bol. ESSENTIAL RESPONSIBILITIES •Implement the community management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) approach in the District of Bol in accordance with national and international protocols and ensure that the quality of nutrition services provided to the beneficiaries meets the international SPHERE standards. •Integrate Infant and Young Child Feeding in every aspect of the CMAM activities including at community level. •Coordinate and manage the active nutrition screening of children under five, pregnant and lactating women in the project area. •Conduct nutrition needs assessment and ensure that nutrition supplies and material are available on time through IMC procurement procedure and that they are properly used •Design and implement nutrition assessment and surveys as needed and in coordination with the other actors. •Supervise, train and coach IMC nutrition team composed of a nurse (supervisor) and two nurse assistants in CMAM implementation, supportive supervision, and program monitoring. •Build the capacity of the district medical team and nurses on quality implementation of CMAM approach as well as the monitoring and supervision of nutrition activities. •Prepare project's budget and monitor its execution. •Ensure good communication, coordination and harmonization of tools with local partners involved in the project and with the Ministry of Health Representative. •Ensure that a detailed nutrition implementation plan and a monitoring and evaluation system is in place •Submit timely and analytic nutrition project data and progress reports •Collaborate and closely coordinate with other IMC departments and projects to ensure a comprehensive nutrition program that addresses the UNICEF causal framework for nutrition. •Contribute to the development of new nutrition initiatives through writing concept notes and proposals as required ; •Actively represent the IMC program in nutrition coordination meetings such as nutrition cluster meeting and other forums as necessary at local and national level. •Oversee program personnel and assume accountability for the timely, effective and efficient implementation of the various programs. •Oversee administrative, human resources, logistics and financial management of the field office; •Provide program cycle leadership in national staff capacity building •Oversee accurate financial forecasting at Field Office level with a view to contributing to accurate grants pipelines, track budget expenditure with operations and programs staff to ensure appropriate spending projections, timely procurement and activity implementation •With support of the Country Director and other members of the Senior Management Team, develop systems and procedures to ensure smooth running of field office in line with International Medical Corps’ global and country-specific guidelines •Participate as part of Country Leadership Team on issues of strategic planning, promotion of International Medical Corps’ Program Framework; and other macro projects; •Liaise with UNHCR, other UN agencies, international and national NGOs, and government departments presented in the region to foster partnership and coordination with key International Medical Corps stakeholders. •Represent International Medical Corps at local and regional levels, as well as for internal and external visitors. Coordinate the visits of Donors, Stakeholders and Personnel in the field. •Ensure positive interaction and good relations with partners in the region; •With support from the logistics coordinator and Country Director, establish security guidelines for International Medical Corps field office and ensure their acknowledgement and adherence; •Recruit, train and supervise national staff as necessary; participate in recruitment of international staff as required; •Coordinate the development of proposals, preparations of routine program progress reports and financial reports according to guidelines provided by SMT. •Ensure compliance to donor rules, regulations and reporting deadlines. With support from Finance Administrative Director, provide technical leadership in managing Grants Agreements. •Ensure that monthly technical and support functions reports are sent timely to the senior management team. •Any other duties requested by the supervisor. QUALIFICATIONS 1.BS in Nutrition required with 8-10 years of field experience or Masters Degree required in Nutrition or other relevant field, 6-8 years of international experience in nutrition response, including experience in emergency response and recovery following natural disaster as well as experience in assessment, program design, evaluation, training and support. 2.An up-to date understanding of nutrition, risk reduction, emergency response, and sustainable development concepts. 3.Knowledge in designing and implementing appropriate and effective holistic nutrition programs including ensuring that beneficiaries have access to health care, WASH, and FS programming. 4.Familiarity with design and programming processes of different donors and a general familiarity with recent initiatives such as the Global Health Initiative and Feed the Future. 5.Proficient analytical skills that demonstrate an understanding of the current concepts, priorities, and issues in program monitoring, data collection and evaluation. Good knowledge of statistical tools and software for nutrition survey such as EPI-Nut survey and SMART 6.Skills in technical proposal writing, designing and implementing nutrition programs 7.Ability to exhibit tact, diplomacy, and resourcefulness in dealing with high level officials from donor agencies, international organizations, and other foreign and domestic government officials and partners. 8.Must have excellent French and English written and oral communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively with other departments within International Medical Corps, donors, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. 9.Capacity to work in a multicultural and challenging environment •Ability to speak, read, write, analyze and interpret, technical and non-technical in English and French •Strong communication skills, with the ability to effectively present information and respond appropriately to questions from peers, government representatives and donors •Excellent writing skills – particularly for proposals, reports and external publications APPLICATION PROCEDURE To officially begin the application process, please visit our website at [url][url] And complete the online employment application form.
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