Are there minimum "specifications" or requirements for the establishment of breastfeeding areas or safe havens within IDP camps?
I am not sure what kind of 'specifications' you are after. Breastfeeding friendly spaces are likely to look different in different circumstances. Above all they have to be genuinely safe (both physically and pschosocially) and convenient for the beneficiaries who are being targeted for the intervention. In an IDP camp, these spaces might be close to areas in which women might collect food or water or perhaps where there is access to laundry facilities. Most women who find themselves in IDP camps are unlikely to have the luxury of spending large parts of their days *just* breastfeeding. They will need to combine breastfeeding with other tasks such as laundry, food preparation, water gathering and/or caring for other children - and they need to be supported in doing so.
Nina Chad PhD


12 years ago
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