Early initiation of breastfeeding is recommended by WHO/UNICEF & other INGOs working on Nutrition? As per Nutrition guidelines within an hour mother should feed her baby. Is this recommendation for a woman giving natural birth or even if a woman has cesarean delivery ?
I understand this recommendation applies to all infants, regardless of the mode of their birth. When a child it born by c-section, s/he can be placed prone on her mother's chest in theatre, either immediately following routine assessment or, ideally the assessment can be performed with the child on the mother's chest. Providing the infant with skin to skin contact with the mother in this way not only facilitates breastfeeding but also results in improved homeostasis in the infant.


12 years ago
This recommendation surely applies to all infants even if born by caesarean section- most operative interventions today are done using epidural anaesthesia so women are awake/ drowsy at best and so can be encouraged to establish contact with the new born. Giving her this information before the surgery begins will also help her be ready for it. This can become part of counselling prenatally so that she can demand that this be done - often Government set ups do not prioritise this. I recommend that the Breast crawl video be viewed by all to see how beautifully this can be done - the breast crawl video clearly demonstrates this. Link provided. http://breastcrawl.org/video.shtml


12 years ago
From Deborah Joy Wilson: For Caesarian delivery put baby to breast as soon possible after birth, and definitely with the first 4-6 hours after giving birth: refer to WHO/UNICEF Breastfeeding Counseling: A training course. Also these websites may be of interest to you: [url]http://kellymom.com/ages/newborn/newborn-concerns/c-section/[/url] [url]http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22456657[/url]
Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


12 years ago
Definitely yes, and a soon as possible, as breastfeeding helps uterus to contract and heal faster after the surgery


12 years ago
Thanks for everyone answering and sharing knowledge with me. due to some cultural restrictions we had a baby and i couldn't ask my wife to initiate early breastfeeding soon she had a surgery.


12 years ago

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6 years ago
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