Any idea how to get a good estimate of how much a SQUEAC would cost? What are the variable factors that affect the cost the most - number of OTPs, planned program coverage, beneficiary caseload, prevalence of malnutrition, etc?
Thanks for your question. There is no single answer to this, however, as it depends on a number of factors. Some of these you have mentioned. In our experience, the costs of coverage assessments are largely dependent on two elements: 1) the size of the area to be assessed (as this influences the time it takes, and time impacts on costs); 2) the kind of team that you will be employing to carry out the assessment. A SQUEAC could potentially cost "little" - in the sense that if you use your programme staff (including them as enumerators for the small and/or wide area surveys) and your own resources (including vehicles, fuel) the only costs would be linked to securing any external technical support you may need to steer the whole process. If you have such technical support available in-house, then the costs could be minimal. The last time we calculated the hard (mostly logistical) costs, based on the situation described above, for a fairly large area, the total costs came to somewhere between Eur 3-4,000 (incl. additional vehicles, fuel and other incidentals). I am a firm believer that SQUEAC is versatile enough to adapt to your own budgets/timelines/resources. I would perhaps approach it the other way around - how much do you have? Based on that we could discuss ways of tailoring the process to fit the budget. Hope that helps somehow
Saul Guerrero
Technical Expert


12 years ago
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