Nutrition Exchange -formerly Field Exchange Digest- is ENN’s new annual publication that offers a digested read of experiences and learning in nutrition from challenging contexts around the world. Nutrition Exchange has been developed to improve country level access to information, guidance and news on nutrition programming and policy for those working in nutrition and related fields. Nutrition Exchange provides concise, easy-to-read summaries of articles previously published in Field Exchange (ENN’s tri-annual publication) as well as original content from a variety of challenging contexts. Nutrition Exchange also includes key articles, updated information on references, guidelines, tools, trainings and events. It is available in English, French and Arabic. To read the new issue (May 2012) of Nutrition Exchange and subscribe to receive future issues, visit [url][/url] In addition to Nutrition Exchange, ENN is developing bi-monthly email updates (Nutrition E-Exchange) to subscribers highlighting nutrition news, new publications, technical updates, resources and upcoming trainings, courses, conferences and workshops. We are putting together the content for the first Nutrition E-Exchange and are searching for information on trainings, short-courses, conferences and workshops being offered later this year (anytime August to December 2012). We are particularly interested in those targeting individuals working in nutrition at a national or regional level. Please email us at if you have information to contribute. To subscribe for future Nutrition E-Exchange updates, visit [url][/url] Many thanks, Carmel Dolan, Valerie Gatchell and Chloe Angood The Nutrition Exchange team at ENN Follow us on Twitter @ENNonline
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